Anger & Emotion Regulation
Last updated: April 2021
Families Together Hub
- Offers an early intervention service
- Link: https://find.redbridge.gov.uk/kb5/redbridge/fsd/service.page?id=HekQ7FMPy3o
- Telephone: 0208 708 2612 / 0208 708 2611 / 0208 708 2610 Email: early.intervention@redbridge.gov.uk
- Address: Albert Road Children's Centre, 53 Albert Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1HL
- Family support to help families establish routines that make family living more positive. This service is delivered in the community by family support workers.
- Parenting Programmes are delivered within groups of up to 12 parents, from community based venues.
- Teen Triple P (For families with children aged 3 to 17 years; Duration: 9 weeks)
- A parenting programme where parents actively participate in a range of exercises to learn about the influences on adolescent behaviour, setting specific goals, and using strategies to promote a teenager’s skills, development, manage inappropriate behaviour, and teach emotional self-regulation.
- Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities (For families with children aged 3 to 17 years; Duration: 13 weeks)
- A programme to strengthen parenting skills and enhance parent’s relationships with their children.
- Teen Triple P (For families with children aged 3 to 17 years; Duration: 9 weeks)
- The programme explores ways to build stronger community connections and promotes healthy lifestyles for families, as well as addressing issues relating to community violence.
- Parents are encouraged to maintain and incorporate their own traditional customs and positive values from their individual ethnic, spiritual and cultural backgrounds.
- Who's in Charge? (For families with children aged 12 to 17 years; Duration: 9 weeks)
- A programme for parents/carers of young people who experience child to parent/carer violence and/or abuse.
- Programme aims include: reducing isolation, challenging feelings of guilt, reinforcing belief in the possibility of change, and clarifying boundaries.
- The Incredible Years (For families with children aged 3 to 12 years; Duration: 12 weeks)
- Incredible Years parenting programmes are designed to strengthen parent & child interactions and attachment, reducing harsh discipline and fostering parents’ ability to promote children’s social, emotional, and language development.
- Parents also learn how to build school readiness skills and are encouraged to partner with teachers and day care professionals so they can promote children’s emotional regulation and social skills.
- Mellow Mums (For families with children aged 4 months to 5 years; Duration: 14 weeks)
- An attachment and relationship based group intervention for mums who have babies and young children.
- Mixtures of reflective and practical techniques are used to enable parents to address their personal challenges and the challenges they face with their children.
- Parents’ have an initial home visit and video observation, videos are used to build on existing skills, get feedback from their peers and practice new ways of relating to their children.
- Mellow Dads (For families with children aged under 5 years; Duration: 6 weeks)
- An attachment and relationship based group intervention for Fathers
- Parents discuss and reflect on their own experiences of being parented and how this can affect relationships with their children.
- Mellow Bumps (For pregnant mums at 20-30 weeks gestation; Duration: 6 weeks)
- A programme for mums-to-be who have intensive needs, including the effects of trauma, it is intended to decrease stress levels. This period is chosen to cover the time when the pregnancy is likely to be secure and mothers are likely to have foetal movements before becoming too preoccupied by impending delivery.
- Link for more details: https://find.redbridge.gov.uk/kb5/redbridge/fsd/service.page?id=NxIWDXWodQg
The Brandon Centre
For Counselling and Psychotherapy for Young People offer group parenting work for parents of teenagers.
- Contact the centre to be added to the waiting list. Courses run for six weeks and parents can attend on a Thursday evening (6.30-8.30pm) or a Friday morning (10am-12pm).
- Telephone: 0207 424 9935 (Monday – Wednesday), 0207 267 4792 (Thursday – Friday)
- Email: familyservice@brandoncentre.org.uk
- Link: https://brandon-centre.org.uk/services/parent-family-support
- Leaflet: https://brandon-centre.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/Final-LiveBC_parenting-services_leaflet.pdf
Anna Freud
Reflective Parenting Group offers an 8-week programme with a collaborative approach for parents to promote family relationships, sensitive parenting and reduce the number of conflicts, bringing about behavioural changes and greater harmony.
- If you would like to make an enquiry or referral to the Reflective Parenting Group please contact:
- Telephone: +44(0)20 7794 2313
- Email: cindy.bakel@annafreud.org
Our Place – Solihull Approach
- Our Place provide online courses for everyone who wants to be an even better supporter. The resources are created in collaboration with practitioners and parents. They select only the best material that is based upon expert and credible research.
- To access the resources related to the Understanding Your Child module, visit the website and use the access code: BRIDGE
- The courses covered are:
- Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby (also for women couples, and in Urdu) – information about the baby in the womb, labour, birth and feeding
- Understanding your baby – This course is for everyone around a new baby, and gives you information about the baby's brain development, and physical and emotional development.
- Understanding your child (in: Urdu, Bulgarian, Modern Standard Arabic, Simplified Chinese and Polish) – This course is for all parents, grandparents and carers of children aged 0-18 years. The topics include understanding a child’s feelings and needs, and different styles of parenting.
- Understanding your teenager's brain – The topics include brain development, risk taking, and feelings of teenagers.
- Understanding your brain (for teenagers) – The topics also include brain development, risk taking, and feelings of teenagers, but for the perspective of a teenager.
- www.inourplace.co.uk
Provide free e-learning resources to support families and professionals.
- It is not compulsory, but the best way to use MindEd is by creating a learning account. This will allow you to track your learning, as you complete different courses.
- Register for an account here: https://www.minded.org.uk/Register
- You will need an email address to do this.
- You can browse the catalogue of available courses here: https://www.minded.org.uk/catalogue/FolderView
- In the catalogue (folder view), expand all for the folder “Child Health (PWP)”
- Information on positive parenting and parenting issues, children with additional needs and health promotion
- In the catalogue (folder view), expand all for the folder “Child Health (PWP)”
- Type the following terms in the search bar to find these relevant courses:
- Parenting the Child with Issues – Aimed at parents/carers of children whose behaviour challenges, or who have significant emotional and behavioural issues
- Website link: https://mindedforfamilies.org.uk/young-people/
- Guidance if you are not sure whether to be concerned about your child or young person: https://mindedforfamilies.org.uk/young-people/should-i-be-concerned/
- Guidance if you are urgently concerned about your child or young person: https://mindedforfamilies.org.uk/young-people/i-am-urgently-concerned/
Family Lives
- Confidential helpline for support with any aspect of parenting and family life
- Available 9am-9pm Monday – Friday and 10am-3pm Saturday - Sunday: 0808 800 2222
- Email support (aims to respond within 24 hours Monday – Friday): askus@familylives.org.uk
- Family Lives Live Forum: https://www.familylives.org.uk/how-we-can-help/forum-community/
- You can also find the organisation on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube
- Accessibility & language : Text. Skype sessions available. To use this service you will need to have a Skype account. To set up one up, please visit www.skype.com. Once you have your Skype account and are signed in, please open the Skype Dialler and call 0808 800 2222 and press the green call button. You will then be connected to the helpline confidentially and free of charge.
Family Action
Provides support with parenting and guidance around more complex issues:
- The Family Line helpline is free
- Available 9am-3pm and 6pm-9pm Monday – Friday: 0808 802 6666
- Text service: 07537 404 282
- Free 24 hour, 7 days a week crisis text support service in partnership with Shout
- Text FAMILYACTION to 85258
- Email: familyline@family-action.org.uk
- Family Action is on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Linked In and Vimeo
- Main website link: https://www.family-action.org.uk/
Young Minds
Provide mental health support and help young people to develop resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.
- They offer information and advice for parents: https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/for-parents/parents-guide-to-support-a-z/
- Telephone helpline: 0808 802 5544
- Parents Lounge: https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/for-parents/parents-guide-to-support-a-z/
- Facebook Live Q&As (full sessions are available on YouTube): https://www.facebook.com/youngmindsuk
- Advice about setting up support groups for parents: https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/for-parents/how-to-set-up-your-own-parents-support-group/
Bounce Forward
Offer free online parent resilience training.
- Visit the website to see when the next course begins
- Link: https://bounceforward.com/raising-resilience-free-session/
DVIP – Yuva Young People’s Service
Yuva offers a parent/carer support service for those who have faced violence/abuse from their children.
- A parent/carer support service offering the “Who’s in Charge?” group programme and 1-2-1 support
- Parents are offered between 5 and 10 1-2-1 sessions
- YUVA work with parents to explore their experiences and support them to take steps to make themselves safer by enabling reflections on their experiences, exploring the function and outcomes of the abusive behaviour, and acknowledging the parent’s feelings
- Who can refer?
- We accept referrals directly from parents and organisations working with young people. We require consent from both the parent and the young person if a referral is to be made on behalf of a family.
- To discuss making a referral, or to request a referral form, please contact:Tel: 020 8741 8020
- Email: dvip.yuva@richmondfellowship.org.uk
Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne
- Factsheets about managing behaviour that challenges in toddlers and young children:
Raising Children, The Australian Parenting Website
- Offers information on behaviour in babies, toddlers, school age, preteen and teenagers
- Website: https://raisingchildren.net.au/
Is a charity that offers free and confidential support to families with children.
- They recruit volunteers from the local community and match them with families experiencing difficulties. This service is also available to residents of Redbridge.
- Havering branch: https://www.homestarthavering.co.uk/
- Telephone: 01708 455551
- Email: info@homestarthavering.co.uk
Have guidance and advice about parenting teenagers and behaviour:
Child Mind Institute
Offers information, tips and advice on various mental health difficulties affecting children and young people
- Have information sheets and advice for parents about behaviour problems spanning age groups from young children to teens:
- Link: https://childmind.org/topics/concerns/behavior/
- Accessibility & language: Text, also available in Spanish.
- General information about managing behaviour that challenges in children:
- Link: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/caring-for-children-and-young-people/how-to-deal-with-challenging-behaviour-in-children/
Redbridge Local Offer
Has a directory website covering a range of important, practical information for Redbridge, including:
- Education, health and care provisions
- Training
- Travel to and from schools
- Provision for adulthood and independent living
- Finding employment
- Participation in society
- Information about how to obtain an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment
- Website: https://find.redbridge.gov.uk/kb5/redbridge/fsd/localoffer.page?localofferchannel=1
For children
I am Stronger than Anger Read Aloud by Reading Pioneers Academy
- This video shows the book "I am Stronger than Anger" by Elizabeth Cole being read aloud. This book can help children recognise and cope with their anger, and offers a variety of calming techniques. It is aimed to improve kids self- regulation skills, and is suitable for children aged 3-7 years old.
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeJqxL86vfQ
Alfred & Shadow by Anne Hilde Vassbo Hagen, psychologist
- A short educational film about emotions. The film’s professional foundation is Emotion-focused therapy (EFT).
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJOjpprbfeE
Anger Management for Kids (and Adults) by Jammiespree
- A short fun video teaching kids and adults how to manage their anger in 5 simple steps.
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbpTohPUhMw
Cookie Monster Practices Self-Regulation: Life Kit Parenting by NPR
- Cookie Monster, from Sesame Street, joins NPR's Life Kit Parenting Podcast to talk about practicing self-control, especially when you have to wait for something you really want... like a plate of delicious chocolate chip cookies.
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0YDE8_jsHk
For adolescents
The Adolescent Brain: Understanding Behaviour by Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
- Dr. Dickon Bevington explains the changes that are happening within the adolescent brain during its development and how they can impact upon behaviour.
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3l1xVzESqc&t=6s
Starving the Anger Gremlin for Children Aged 5-9: A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on Anger Management by Kate Collins-Donnelly – ISBN 9781849054935
Blurb from the publishers: Help children to understand and manage their anger with this fun and imaginative workbook. Based on cognitive behavioural principles, this workbook uses fun and engaging activities to teach children how to manage their anger by changing how they think and act.
- Kate Collins-Donnelly has worked as a therapist, psychologist, criminologist and anger management consultant based in the UK for many years.
A Volcano in My Tummy: Helping Children to Handle Anger by Elaine Whitehouse and Warwick Pudney –ISBN 9780865713499
- Blurb from the publishers: By carefully distinguishing between anger the feeling, and violence the behaviour, this book helps to create an awareness of anger, enabling children to relate creatively and harmoniously at critical stages in their development.
- Primarily created for ages 6-13.
- Elaine Whitehouse is a family psychotherapist. Warwick Pudney is a teacher and counsellor with 10 years’ experience facilitating anger management.
What to Do When Your Temper Flares: A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Problems with Anger By Dawn Huebner – ISBN 1433801345
- Blurb from the publishers: Guides children and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques used to treat problems with anger.
- Suitable for ages 6-12.
- Dawn Huebner, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, specialising in the treatment of children.
Little Parachute series: therapeutic stories to read with young children
- A collection of picture about tantrums, anger and frustration, which can sometimes lead to aggressive behaviour.
- Some books in this collection reassure children that feeling angry from time to time is normal, and offer practical ways to neutralise this anger.
- Link: https://www.littleparachutes.com/category/behaviour/aggression-tantrums/
DVIP – Yuva Young People’s Service
Yuva works with young people aged 11 to 18 (and up to 25 where there are a wide range of specific needs) who have used violence/abuse towards their parents/carers.
- 1-2-1 direct support for young people who are using violence/abuse
- The program draws on a variety of approaches, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, attachment theory and systemic practice, to support young people in identifying and changing their violent/abusive behaviours.
- This is done by helping them to discover their own sense of agency and capacity to take responsibility for their behaviour, recognise and value their own emotions, explore motivations behind behaving abusively, reflect on family dynamics and explore more effective ways of communicating distress.
- Who can refer?
- We accept referrals directly from parents and organisations working with young people. We require consent from both the parent and the young person if a referral is to be made on behalf of a family.
- To discuss making a referral, or to request a referral form, please contact:
- Tel: 020 8741 8020
- Email: dvip.yuva@richmondfellowship.org.uk
- “How to cope with anger”: explains anger, giving practical suggestions for what you can do and where you can get support
- “Channelling my anger into positivity”: a blog post about a young person that struggled with his anger
- Information helpline at 0300 123 3393 which is open from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays).
- You can talk to experts about mental health problems, where to get help near you, treatment options, and advocacy services.
- You can also text them on 86463 or mail them at Mind Infoline PO Box 75225, London, E15 9FS.
- For more information please visit: https://www.mind.org.uk/information- support/helplines/
- Phone service : 0800 1111.
- Trained counsellors offer free, confidential support and the call will not show up on your phone bill. Even if you don’t have credit on your mobile phone, you can still call for free.
- They are open from 9am-Midnight.
- For more information please visit: https://www.childline.org.uk/get-support/contacting-childline/
- They also offer an online 1-2-1 counsellor chat service:
- There are also message boards, activities, and resources on the website: https://www.childline.org.uk/info-advice/your-feelings/anxiety-stress-panic/
- Accessibility & language: Childline has an accessible service called Deaf Zone and provides counselling with British Sign Language Interpreters Monday-Friday 9am-8pm, and Saturday 9am- 1pm:
Kooth: A safe, free, and anonymous online support for young people.
- Open Monday-Friday 12pm-10pm and Saturday-Sunday 6pm-10pm
- Must make an account to access the website but the username can be anonymous
- The website also has articles, live forums, a daily journal, and the Kooth community.
- Link: https://www.kooth.com/
The Mix is a UK based charity that provides free, confidential support for young people under 25. They offer:
- Telephone support on 0808 808 4994.
- 1-2-1 chat and a crisis messenger via telephone and email: https://www.themix.org.uk/get-support/speak-to-our-team
- Counselling services: https://www.themix.org.uk/get-support/speak-to-our-team/the-mix-counselling-service
- Discussion boards, group chats, and resources on their website https://www.themix.org.uk/
Young Minds provide mental health support and help young people to develop resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.
- Offer a crisis messenger available 24/7 across the UK which is run by trained volunteers who are supervised.
- Texts are free from EE, O2, Vodafone, 3 Virgin Mobile, BT Mobile, GiffGaff, Tesco Mobile and Telecom Plus: Text YM to 85258
Mee Two is a phone app recommended by the NHS which provides a safe and anonymous forum for teenagers to discuss with their peers as well as clinicians, any problems they are dealing with.
- Every post and reply is checked before they go live. It is also completely free.
- For more information please visit: https://www.meetwo.co.uk/how-it-works
Side by Side is a supportive online community where you can be completely yourself and find support in others who are going through similar things. You can sign up for free and there is no commitment.
Samaritans: an organization that offers confidential help and advice with one-one contact:
- Phone (free 24/7): 116 123
- Email: Jo@samaritans.org
- Write Chris at PO Box, 9090 Stirling FK8 2SA
- Link: https://www.samaritans.org/
The Mentally Healthy Schools Project is run by the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families.
- This is a resource to promote good mental health and wellbeing in schools.
- The activities and resources are intended to support children to develop life skills and coping strategies, and are not intended to be a replacement for therapeutic support. They may not be suitable for all children, so your discretion is advised.
- There is information and advice about behaviours that challenge.
The Department for Education
- They issued guidelines around management of mental health and behaviour in schools:
- Link: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/755135/Mental_health_and_behaviour_in_schools .pdf
MindEd provide free e-learning resources to support families and professionals.
- It is not compulsory, but the best way to use MindEd is by creating a learning account. This will allow you to track your learning, as you complete different courses.
- Register for an account here: https://www.minded.org.uk/Register
- You will need an email address to do this.
- You can browse the catalogue of available courses here: https://www.minded.org.uk/catalogue/FolderView
- In the catalogue (folder view), expand all for the folder “Child Health (PWP)”
- Information on positive parenting and parenting issues, children with additional needs and health promotion
- In the catalogue (folder view), expand all for the folder “Child Health (PWP)”
- Type the following terms in the search bar to find these relevant courses:
- Responding Positively When Behaviours are Seen as Challenging – Introduces positive behaviour support (PBS), an evidence based approach to meeting the needs of people whose behaviours are seen by others as challenging.
- Parenting the Child with Issues – Aimed at parents/carers of children whose behaviour challenges, or who have significant emotional and behavioural issues
- Behavioural Management in Special Educational Needs – Covers the factors underlying challenging behaviours in children with special educational needs, how to support families and manage these challenging behaviours.
Incredible Babies: A Guide and Journal of Your Baby’s First Year by Carolyn Webster-Stratton – ISBN 1892222078
Blurb from the publishers: The Incredible Babies book shows you how to promote and understand your baby’s physical, social, emotional and language development. It includes safety alerts, developmental principles, and a journal section where you can capture and preserve your memories of your baby’s likes and dislikes, favourite songs, stories and daily routines.
- Dr. Carolyn Webster-Stratton is the founder of the Incredible Years® Series. She is a licensed clinical psychologist and nurse practitioner.
The Incredible Years: Trouble Shooting Guide for Parents of Children Aged 3-8 Years (3rd Edition ) by Carolyn Webster-Stratton – ISBN 1895642027
Blurb from the publishers: This book includes chapters on coaching (academic, persistence, social and emotion coaching), social media, screen time, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. It covers research-based parenting strategies for all families.
No-Drama Discipline: the bestselling parenting guide to nurturing your child’s developing mind (Mindful Parenting ) by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryso – ISBN 9781922247568
Blurb from the publishers: This book is for parents of children and young children. The book provides a road map for dealing with such tantrums, tensions, and tears – without causing a scene, based on recent discoveries about the brain that give us deep insights into the children we care for. It has an accompanying workbook which is described below.
- Daniel J. Siegel is a clinical professor of psychiatry. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and recipient of several honorary fellowships.
No-Drama Discipline Workbook: Exercises, Activities, and Practical Strategies to Calm The Chaos and Nurture Developing Minds by Tina Payne Bryson and Daniel Siegel – ISBN 1559570733
Blurb from the publishers: a guide to manage and reduce drama in your interactions with your kids, and even decrease the amount of time you spend having to discipline.
The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Proven Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson – ISBN 1780338376
Blurb from the publishers: In this pioneering, practical book for parents, the new science of how a child's brain is wired and how it matures is explained. The Whole-Brain Child will help your children lead balanced, meaningful, and connected lives using twelve key strategies.
The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children by Ross W. Greene – ISBN 0062270451 Blurb from the publishers: This book provides a new conceptual framework for understanding your child’s difficulties, based on research in the neurosciences. The
Collaborative Problem Solving model promotes working with explosive children to solve the problems that precipitate explosive episodes, and teaching these kids the skills they lack.
- Dr. Ross Greene is a distinguished clinician and pioneer in the treatment of kids with social, emotional, and behavioural challenges.
Blame My Brain: The Amazing Teenage Brain Revealed By Nicole Morgan – ISBN 1406346934
Blurb from the publishers: Nicola Morgan's carefully researched, accessible and humorous examination of the ups and downs of the teenage brain has chapters dealing with powerful emotions, the need for more sleep, the urge to take risks, the difference between genders and the reasons behind addiction or depression.
Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain by Daniel J. Siegel – ISBN 9781922247452
Blurb from the publishers: This book shows parents how to turn one of the most challenging developmental periods in their children's lives into one of the most rewarding. Siegel illuminates how brain development affects teenagers' behaviour and relationships.
- The author is a renowned a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and executive director of the Mindsight Institute.
The Incredible Years is a highly regarded series of training programs for parents, children and teachers.
- Link for the YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheIncredibleYears/videos
- The Incredible Years Puppet Interactives can be used to teach children emotional skills and help their development.
The Adolescent Brain: Understanding Behaviour by Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families.
- Dr. Dickon Bevington explains the changes that are happening within the adolescent brain during its development and how they can impact upon behaviour.
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3l1xVzESqc&t=6s
The Adolescent Brain: Practical Advice for Schools by Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families:
- Dr. Dickon Bevington explains how school staff can be supportive towards pupils when they are going through changes in their brain which can impact upon behaviour.
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WfmDrDQy3I
Podcast 27: Seeing the child behind the behaviour by Pre-K Teach & Play:
Understanding Challenging Behaviour in Young Children by Early Childhood Videos
- In this video, early childhood teachers, home child care providers, and experts discuss some of the possible influences of children’s behaviour and how to respond objectively.
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acAJsiEKxzg
Self-Regulation Corner: Behaviour Management by Jady A.
- This video shows parents how to create a self-regulation corner to help children learn and understand their emotions and how they can help themselves feel better.
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR7nHV_onB8
Thoughts, Feelings and Actions. Self-Regulation in Early Childhood by STARNET: Early Childhood
- In this video, what self-regulation looks like for a pre-schooler, how you can foster self-regulation skills through interactions with children and the 5 essential steps toward self-regulation are described.
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGpK74qL4yg
Redirecting Behaviour by usgoveACF
This video shows some techniques to offer children alternatives to behaviour in order to prevent behaviour that challenges. Redirecting behaviour is a proactive method for dealing with challenging behaviour.