Adult speech and language therapy (SALT)

Our adults’ speech and language therapy (SALT) service is provided to people with acquired disorders of speech, language, communication and/or swallowing, and is available to all people aged 18 and over. These may be the result of a number of medical disorders including stroke, neurological disability, head injury or cancer.

We provide assessment, diagnosis, therapy and practical advice to ensure adults with speech, language, communication and/or swallowing difficulties and their family and carers are able to live and work to the best of their ability.

We work in:

  • hospital wards
  • outpatient departments
  • clients’ homes
  • community hospitals
  • hospice

Clients with a learning disability in this area are covered by the learning disability (LD) speech and language therapy (SALT) team based at South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT).