Calls from a BT landline will be charged at the standard local rate. Calls from other landlines and mobile providers will differ in price.
The West Wing
CEME Centre
Marsh Way
RM13 8GQ
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) offers confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters.
If you want to make a complaint, or send thanks to a team, service or individual, please email PALS directly nelftpals@nelft.nhs.uk or complete the form below.
Online form: Complete the form here
If you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed, or worried about your mental health, dial 111 Option 2 for Mental Health, or call Mental Health Direct on 0800 995 1000.
If you currently receive a service from a team at NELFT, such as a local community mental health team or a psychiatrist, then you can make contact with them directly during office hours, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. It may be helpful to refer to your care plan, which should have details of who to contact in an emergency.
Email: press@nelft.nhs.uk
Email: foi.foi@nelft.nhs.uk
We are committed to assisting the Court as much as possible. However, we need to do so in accordance with our policies. According to the Trust’s policy, a Witness Statement should only be provided if:
We ask that clinicians be given 21 days from the date of the Sealed Court Order to complete the Witness Statement. This will help to minimise potential risks associated with a busy NHS workload, ensuring that clinicians can continue to deliver safe and effective care. This will also enable the clinicians to assist the Court as much as possible.
Please note that all Court Orders need to be sealed and explicitly and clearly state that ‘North East London NHS Foundation Trust’ is required to provide the requested Witness Statement. The Court Order should clearly specify what issues should be addressed within the statement to enable the Trust to meet the expectations of the Court.
Requests for Witness Statements should always be submitted to the Trust’s legal services team via email to legal@nelft.nhs.uk.
We must also highlight that Trust’s staff do not provide expert opinions as Trust’s employees. Should an expert opinion be required, we invite you to consider obtaining medical records and instructing a suitably trained independent expert to provide an opinion.
If medical records are required, please submit a request to the Trust’s Information Governance Team. The team will consider the request and, if appropriate, disclose the records in accordance with the Trust’s Information Governance policies and procedures. The team can be contacted by email at information.governance@nelft.nhs.uk.