Fast track

The fast track service offers therapeutic help and support to children and young people, from birth up to the age of 18, with mental health difficulties, who are looked after by Waltham Forest Council.

Fast track provides assessment and treatment of children/young people with emotional, behavioural and/or attachment difficulties. The team does this through initial consultation to the professional network, carer support, joint therapy for the foster carers and child/young person, individual short-term psychological therapy, brief/long-term psychotherapy for the child/young person. Fast track also offers therapeutic support and training to the carers and professionals involved with these children.

The fast track team includes consultant child and adolescent psychiatry, child and adolescent psychotherapy, clinical psychology, and systemic family therapy.

Patient information

Contact our service in Waltham Forest

Child and family consultation service
Thorpe Coombe Hospital
Shernhall Street

Tel:   0300 555 1247       
Fax:  0844 493 0277
Opening times: 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday


Referrals via the child/young person's London Borough of Waltham Forest allocated LAC social worker only. Please refer to the For clinicians page for more information.