Bribery Act Statement from Chief Executive

The Bribery Act 2010 came into force on 1 July 2011 to make it easier for bribery and corruption to be tackled proactively in the public and private sectors.

Bribery can be defined as the offering; promising, giving, accepting or soliciting of an advantage as an inducement for an action which is illegal or a breach of trust.

North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) supports the Bribery Act and is committed to ensuring we comply with its standards and six core principles as detailed below;

Proportionate procedures

It is essential that everyone working for, or on behalf of, NELFT is aware of the standards of behaviour expected of them. As part of our commitment to prevent bribery within NELFT, we have the following procedures:

  • Anti-Fraud and Anti- Bribery Policy;
  • Policies that govern Standards of Business Conduct, Gifts and Hospitality, Disciplinary procedures, and Whistleblowing (Freedom to Speak Up Raising Concerns);
  • Standing Financial Instructions and Standing Orders;

Top level commitment

The Trust board conducts its business with integrity, transparency and fairness and is committed to preventing bribery within NELFT and within organisations with whom the Trust contracts. We aim to foster a culture in which bribery is never acceptable.

A zero tolerance approach towards bribery supports our reputation for honest and ethical practice, and instils confidence in our patients and the wider public.

Risk assessment

NELFT assesses the nature and extent of its exposure to risks of bribery.

Due diligence

NELFT applies due diligence procedures in respect of persons who perform services for, or on behalf of, the Trust.


Work is undertaken to ensure that bribery prevention policies and procedures are embedded and understood throughout NELFT.

Monitoring and review

NELFT monitors and reviews its procedures to prevent bribery.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I confirm our commitment to ensuring that NELFT is free from bribery and corruption.

Paul Calaminus

Chief Executive