NELFT currently employs SAS doctors across different specialities and services that it delivers and play an important role in the service delivery. We at NELFT are committed to comply with the “The SAS charter”. In collaboration with NHS Employers, Health Education England and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, the BMA published the SAS charter for England in 2014.This Charter sets out what SAS doctors can expect from their employers and employers can expect of them. It also sets out the objectives and the support mechanism that Health Education England (HEE) promotes and provides through individual Local Education Training Boards (LETBs) and Local Education Providers (LEPs).
We are committed to the support and development of SAS doctors in NELFT and have recently set up NELFT SAS professional development academy. There is an active SAS doctor’s representatives group which meets with the SAS doctor tutor quarterly. Some of the areas of support that are currently been provided are.
This is run on the 3rd Thursday afternoon of every month. The topics for this are decided in consultation with the SAS doctors leads from different specialities. The SAS doctors have time agreed in their Job plans to attend this monthly programme
This is mainly focussed at our mental health SAS doctors to improve on some of the clinical skills. This is run on a periodic basis. The SAS doctors also have access to the simulation training that is aimed for the higher trainee needs. Some SAS doctor who are preparing for membership exams also have access to simulation training in mental health to help in their preparation for CASC.
We now have CESR tutor. At present this support is available on individual basis. This is based on discussion with the consultant supervisor, respective Associate medical director and the medical education department. The department runs CESR support sessions as part of the SAS CPD programme. We have many SAS doctors currently at different stages in their CESR applications.
We support our SAS doctors developing special interest in areas such as teaching, research, quality improvement, simulation training and developing as appraisers and mentors.
NELFT medical education is committed to support all medical staff with their CPD. NELFT had been running a monthly CPD programme on 1st Thursday of every month until December 2019. This has now been replaced by newly planned NELFT CPD series which replaces the previous programme. This will be run based on Community of practice specialities to ensure consultants from all specialties and services in NELFT have access to the internal CPD programme. Further this new programme is MDT focussed and will also aim to bring in external experts to present at the programme. We have till now received very good feedback about these sessions which are now conducted on an online platform and generally are fully subscribed.
We also run the various mental health act accreditation courses which the NELFT consultants can freely access to. We also have a range of courses aimed at keeping up to date with the requirements of the professional development framework for clinical and educational supervisors.