Our values

Working with our colleagues, patients and carers we have co-produced three new values that we aim to embed within our culture here at NELFT.

They are:

  • We are kind
  • We are respectful
  • We work together with our communities

These three values help us to  strive to provide the best care by the best people.

Our strategic objectives

This strategy is a blueprint for the next five years, co-produced with staff, patients, and carers. It is built on three overarching goals:

  1. Improve health and wellbeing of our communities: Tackling inequalities, promoting healthy lifestyles, and improving accessibility.
  2. Improve the quality of our services: Strengthening co-production, delivering compassionate care, and equipping staff with expertise.
  3. Use resources wisely: Using new technologies, ensuring value for money, and reducing waste.

Our Trust Strategy