Trust Strategy

Trust Annual Plan

Our vision, mission and purpose

Our vision

Our aim: to deliver the best care by the best people.

Our mission

NELFT will, in partnership, actively shape, develop and deliver integrated place based care for the populations we serve.

Our purpose

To improve the health and wellbeing of the populations we serve.

Diagram showing our vision, mission and purpose

Our values - The 5Ps

It is important that our organisation has one core set of values, to provide an underlying consistency to how we all work. Here are the NELFT values, or the 5p's.

 They identify our people and what we feel is important in our organisation. 

The NELFT Values are (the 5Ps):

  • People first
  • Prioritising quality
  • Progressive, innovative and continually improving
  • Professional and honest
  • Promoting what is possible - independence, opportunity and choice

Our strategic objectives

Best Care

We will provide the Best Care for our patients, families and communities who use our services.

We will do this by:

  • Improving the  health of our population by addressing inequalities
  • Delivering safe, high quality, effective services
  • Reducing variation in clinical outcomes using our quality management system
  • Improving patient experience through quality improvement and innovation
  • Coproducing services that meet the needs of our communities

You can view a summary of our Best Care strategy here.

Best People

We will value, retain, develop, empower and engage our colleagues to support the delivery of Best Care.

We will do this by:

  • Developing and sustaining a just and compassionate culture
  • Supporting our colleagues to improve existing models of care and to develop new ways of working
  • Focusing on the health and wellbeing of our people
  • Delivering focused and targeted recruitment programmes
  • Supporting colleagues with training and development opportunities
  • Improving our people’s experience

You can view our Best People strategy here.

Best Partner

We will collaborate, innovate and coproduce with our patients, communities and partners.

We will do this by:

  • Effectively engaging in our systems to develop collaborative models which improve patient care
  • Ensuring we listen and hear and empower our patients, carers and communities to shape the services we provide in our partnerships
  • Strengthening our community engagement to support and address equality of access and responding to our patients and communities’ feedback

Best Value

We will deliver value-based care within the funds we have available and improve our digital and estates infrastructure.

We will do this by:

  • Ensuring services are delivered at the best value and highest quality by reducing variation whilst maintaining financial stability
  • Using digital and technology to improve our services and offers to our patients and our people
  • Improving service productivity and efficiency through quality improvement and innovation