Police may detain members of the public under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act if they appear to have a disorder of the mind, are in a public place and present a risk to themselves or others. Police will take such detained persons to a place of safety which could be an A&E department or a designated Section 136 suite in a hospital for assessment and further management.
Sunflowers Court, Goodmayes Hospital has two Section 136 suites, and regularly receives such detained persons. The s136 Suite will provide a “place of safety” whilst potential mental health needs are assessed under the Mental Health Act, and any necessary arrangements will be put in place for their on-going care. The assessment will determine whether the detained person is admitted to hospital on an informal basis or subject to further Mental Health legislation as required. If admission is not indicated, the person will be discharged home from Section 136 with signposting and relevant follow up care in the community as indicated.
Once detained under a Section 136, discharge can only be undertaken following an assessment by an AMHP (Approved Mental health Practitioner) and two doctors. The police cannot revoke the Section 136 once this has been applied. Although Section 136 allows for a period of detention of up to 72 hours, this should be regarded as the maximum timeframe. The team will aim to complete the assessment as quickly as possible and without use of an overnight stay unless essential.
The S136 Team is based at:
Sunflowers Court
Barley Lane
Tel: 0300 555 1200
Opening Times: 24hrs service/, 7 days a week