In June , some of our Quality Improvement Advisors attended the Health Improvement European Alliance Workshop, hosted by the IHI (Insitute of Healthcare Improvement) in Belgium. The two-day workshop emphasised the importance of learning together through healthcare and non- healthcare site visits , discussion, networking and presentations.
We extended an invitation to improvers in teams and services across NELFT and Chukwuemeka Nnuji, a recent graduate from our Quality Improvement Facilitator training program, joined us . Chukwuemeka is working as a Specialist Physiotherapist (Respiratory and Pulmonary Rehab), in the Respiratory Service (Redbridge). His experience and reflections provide valuable insights into the workshop’s impact on healthcare quality:
What surprised you?
Being my first experience, I was not sure what to expect. It was interesting and inspiring to meet and learn from senior leaders within healthcare improvement having an open dialogue about their experiences, reflections and challenges on QI systems in their countries. Another surprising element was that everyone's opinion on issues discussed really mattered, which was positive. It didn't matter how little experience you had on the application of QI systems.
What is the one thing you will remember?
“What matters to you?” A powerful question as it should be. Nowadays, it's seemingly more of just a slogan. It is not enough to just ask the question, but also to include a change package following the question to make it even more powerful!
What will you share with your team?
I will be sharing knowledge on Flanders Quality Model (FlaQuM) and its 3 pillars which is based on thinking, doing and learning. Also, emphasis on improvement being an important part of our day job as clinicians. To continually improve the quality of care for our patients, we must strive to co-create and then co-design in order to co-produce. The QI team is also there to support us all through that journey.
Has your experience influenced anything you/your team might do more of or something you may stop?
Yes, for myself to do more! To ask more questions, identify and highlight problems with the goal to improve together. I will encourage more improvers within the team and apply a deeper understanding to 'what matters to you' for patients.
Susan Hannah from the IHI, expressed:
“The team who joined us from NELFT in Brussels were fabulous. They contributed so much to the meeting and it was a joy to spend time with them and learn about the wonderful work they are doing.”
As we are members of the European Healthcare Alliance, there will be more oppor tunities and experiences for you/your teams to join sessions like these . They allow for wider learning and collaboration amongst colleagues and teams from across Europe to share your passion for QI and improve together.