You will have heard us talk about collaboration in many conversations over the last year or so as the NHS looks to work more effectively to provide health and care services to our local populations.
We have already been working collaboratively with partners in the geographies we cover, and we have listed below those across our North East London (NEL) patch.
The NEL Mental Health, learning Disability and Autism Collaborative is a partnership between NEL ICB, ELFT, NELFT, and the seven place-based partnerships in close collaboration with service users and carers, communities, local authorities, primary care, the voluntary and community sector and other services.
The aim of the collaborative is to work together to improve outcomes, quality, value and equity for people with, or at risk of, mental health problems and/or learning disability and autism in north east London.
We are also developing improvement networks covering these areas and led by clinicians, involving experts by experience:
The NEL Community Collaborative involves more than 50 local providers of community services including NELFT, ELFT, Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Barts Health NHS Trust and a wide range of local authority and voluntary sector organisations.
The NEL Community Collaborative has been established to deliver better patient experience ensuring residents receive integrated health and support in right place, right time. The Collaborative will improve access, waiting times and outcomes, through co-production and pathway redesign with users and carers. Using digital and population health management will enable better integration across services, improve outcomes and get value for residents. There will also be an opportunity to significantly reduce unnecessary acute hospital admissions, wait times and access issues.
We are also developing improvement networks covering these areas and led by clinicians, involving experts by experience:
For further information on the NEL Community Collarborative, please contact Alan Lappin by email: a.lappin@nhs.net
For more information, visit the page.
This collaborative oversees Tier 4 child and Adolescent bed across two Integrated Care Systems. The aim of this specialist services collaborative is to improve patient and carer experience of inpatient services whilst delivering seamless pathways young people and families accessing our services.
This is a new collaborative in North Central and East London with the primary focus on mother and baby perinatal beds across the systems. Whilst NELFT doesn’t have any beds we do provide community perinatal provision therefore this collaborative will help to improve both the community and inpatient pathways.
This is a specialist services collaborative across three Integrated Care Systems in North London. The consortium is responsible for the commissioning and delivery of low and medium inpatient and community adult secure services from NHS England for the population of North London. The consortium works together as a system, to deliver high quality care and improve the outcomes and experiences of the people who use specialised forensic mental health services, their families and carers.