
MindEd for Families - MindEd was created by experts and parents together to provide safe and reliable advice about young people's mental health.

Young Minds - Young Minds offer services to parents and carers who are concerned about their child's mental health through telephone, email and webchat

Childline -   Tel: 0800 1111 or text: 'shout' to 85258

SamaritansTel: 116123

Be Body Positive  - Are you looking for a journey towards positive body image and how to get comfortable? This is an early intervention tool for young people, parents, carers and health professionals.

Anna Freud Centre of Excellence for Children and Families - The Anna Freud Centre is a mental health charity for children and families.

Information for parents

Who are we?

We are the schools and colleges Mental Health Support Team (MHST) at your child’s school. We’re specially trained to help children at school with their emotional wellbeing and mental health. 

From time to time, children and young people need additional support with their emotional wellbeing and mental health, so we’re here to help. 

Getting the right support early can prevent problems getting bigger, so that your child can enjoy school, home, time with family & friends, and other activities.

Who can we help?

We provide support to all children in the school, and work together with everyone in the school community to promote a ‘whole school approach’ to emotional wellbeing and mental health. 

We also work with children and their parents/carers in group or 1:1 sessions to support with specific problems.

How we can help

We have several ways to support your child, including:

  • Whole school activities and workshops to promote emotional wellbeing and increase understanding of how to take care of our mental health.
  • Group and 1:1 sessions to support parents/carers including: Supporting your children with worries and fears & understanding your child's behaviour.

How to get support

We are here and ready to help, so please speak to your school's Education Mental Health Practitioner or a member of staff at school.

You can also find us by calling the NHS Single Point of Access on: 0300 555 1200

You can find more details of other ways to find wellbeing and mental health support in your area.

How else can I get help?