For clinicians

Doctor: Dr Shazia Zahid

Ward manager: Jenny Dusoye
Tel: 0300 555 1201 ext. 7629
Ward contact tel: 0300 555 1201 ext. 7729 / 7731
(Please ensure patient identifiable information is password protected) 

Further information

The unit works with patients on a short-term basis to:

  • assess needs
  • develop treatment plans, care packages and programmes of support
  • work with and support the people involved in our client's lives

Admission Criteria:

  • diagnosis of a learning disability and mental illness / complex challenging behaviours
  • 18 years and over
  • male and female
  • informal or detained status under the Mental Health Act
  • autistic spectrum disorder
  • have been involved with the criminal justice system


Referrals are accepted from NHS consultant psychiatrists and must be accompanied by CCG funding. We take national referrals, with the majority of our service-users coming from North East London. Referrals are typically planned although short notice / emergency admissions are accepted within NELFT area.

Criteria: Pre-admission assessments are undertaken prior to service users being accepted to the unit. We work closely with referrers and commissioners to agree care pathways and discharge plans.

Exclusions: None

Test results required at referral: None