The Single Point of Access (Havering) receives and processes patient referrals for Havering Community Health and Mental Health services.
The SPA generally supports the referral process for patients living in, registered with a GP in Havering and receiving care in the Havering Borough. However specific referral criteria differs from service to service. For example, patients living in Brentwood and Barking and Dagenham qualify for support from a number of Havering based community services.
Advice on individual services can be sought directly from the services that can be found under our services page via https://www.nelft.nhs.uk/services-havering, or the SPA team can help signpost and/or provide information.
Single Point of Access (Havering)
Yew Tree Resource Centre
20 Yew Tree Gardens
Opening times
Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm
Weekends and Bank Holidays, 9pm to 5pm
Tel: 0300 555 1253 (for Community Health) or 0300 300 1570 (Option 2 for Havering Access & Brief Intervention Team).
Email: nelft.haveringreferrals@nelft.nhs.uk
Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Tel: 0300 300 1635
Email: havering0-19SPA@nelft.nhs.uk