Occupational therapists support children and young people who may experience difficulties carrying out and participating in activities of everyday life, for example their self-care, school work or play.
Our occupational therapists carry out an assessment of need and provide treatment including coping strategies for children, young people and their families to make sure they get the support they need.
This video explains the role of Occupational Therapy (OT) for children with additional support needs. This will give you an idea of what to expect if your child has been referred to Occupational Therapy, but please bear in mind that Occupational Therapy services will vary in different areas.
Our Occupational Therapy treatment plan can include one or more of the following:
Occupational Therapists work with children and young people from birth to 19 years old (if still receiving secondary or special education input). Occupational Therapy is offered to children/young people who are having difficulty joining in with the activities they need and want to do every day e.g. dressing, using cutlery, completing jigsaws, riding a bike, writing. These difficulties may be due to the child having a complex health and neurological condition, poor co-ordination skills, poor core stability or muscle control, poor movement planning skills, and sensory difficulties.
Our team includes occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants.
Our Occupational Therapy service offers a range of approaches to provide you and your child with support depending on their needs. This may include:
The Occupational Therapist will talk to you and your child depending on their age, and ask questions about your child and your concerns. The OT may also carry out specific assessments to identify what is affecting your child’s ability to do their daily activities and observe the child carrying out activities such as handwriting, playing games, using a knife and fork or fastening buttons. The therapist may want to see you again for further assessment or review if required.
The Occupational Therapy service will see:
Referrals to the service can be made by a parent or any person who supports the child. Referrals are accepted via filling in a written or electronic application. You can also contact us at:
Specialist Community Health Services for Children and Young People
The Grove
Grove Road
Chadwell Heath
Tel: 0300 300 1618
Email: SPAreferrals.redbridge@nelft.nhs.uk
Depending on your child’s needs, we aim to see all children and young people within 6-18 weeks, and we operate a priority system for all new referrals. Any urgent referrals, e.g. supporting children discharged from hospital or those with a complex neurological condition and palliative care needs, will be seen within 6 weeks.
Some children have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) or are going through the process to obtain an EHCP. We are able to offer assessments for this and will write a report to add OT onto their plan, if appropriate. Once this is added, your child will be seen by the Local Authority OT team for the input that is detailed on the plan. If your child has OT on their EHCP, please contact the local authority OT team at send.therapies@redbridge.gov.uk .
This team can help if your child is having difficulties around the home or using facilities in the home. This may include aids, adaptations (changes) and equipment (toileting, bathing, and seating). They will provide all home equipment for children aged over 5. They also provide advice on moving or handling your child comfortably and safely.
Social Services Occupational Therapists can also assess the suitability of accommodation (living space) for the child’s needs. If a child’s accommodation does not meet their health needs, the Occupational Therapist may write a report to the housing options team. Prior to this assessment, you will need to be listed on the housing register.
From 1st August 2024, the Social Services Occupational Therapy team will no longer be part of our service.
To make a referral to this team, please complete a written or electronic application form below and send it to cpat.referrals@redbridge.gov.uk.
Redbridge Social Services Occupational Therapy referral form.docx [docx] 116KB