Supported Return to Training (SRTT) is a great new initiative to support all trainees who are returning to training after time out of programme. This might include taking a year out to pursue other academic interests; maternity or parental leave and sick leave. It is available to all trainees taking more than three months of leave (but that is not a hard line – if you, your Educational Supervisor /Training Programme Director feel that even though your time off is less, you would benefit from more support to enable you to return to training, then you may be eligible).
SRTT aims to ensure that whilst off you don’t feel forgotten about and that if you want to access resources that help you feel connected, or for your development then you can do so. To ensure the system is in place for your return, this is managed by your employer and education team with you so that it is a safe and supported return to training. You are able to access some funding via Health Education under this scheme which can be individualised to you needs to help your smooth transition back to training after a period of absence.
Follow this link for more information on SRTT: https://www.hee.nhs.uk/our-work/supporting-doctors-returning-training-after-time-out.
Trainees and Supervisors can contact the champion at sonali.gupta@nelft.nhs.uk if they want to discuss this further.
The Guardian of Safe Working acts as the champion of safe working hours and provides assurance to doctors and employers that doctors are safely rostered and in compliance with terms and conditions of service. The Guardian and the Director of Medical Education receive copies of all exception reports in respect of safe working hours. This will allow the guardian to record and monitor compliance with the terms and conditions of service and escalate issues in relation to working hours for decision and action, where these have not been addressed at departmental level. In some cases they can require a work schedule review to be undertaken, where there are regular or persistent breaches in safe working hours, which have not been addressed. The Guardian has the authority to intervene in any instance where the guardian considers the safety of patients and/or doctors is compromised, or that issues are not being resolved satisfactorily. The Guardian will distribute monies received as a consequence of financial penalties to improve the training and service experience of doctors. The Guardian and the Director of Medical education run a regular (currently monthly) Junior Doctors’ Forum where management, Senior Medical Management, Junior and Senior Trainees and JLNC Reps, BMA representative, medical staffing, Champion of Flexible training and Guardian meet to discuss any issues which affect training. All trainees are encouraged to become reps.
Trainees choose flexible or less than full time (LTFT) training for a number of reasons and NELFT are keen to support these doctors to get the most out of their training whilst balancing their other commitments. As the LTFT Champion, I am here to promote and improve the role of LTFT trainees and to advocate on their behalf when necessary. We are keen to recruit and retain LTFT trainees who choose flexible training for a variety of reasons such as childcare, other caring responsibilities, disability and ill health or individual personal development.
It is now mandatory that every LTFT trainee doctor has access to a champion of flexible training and the ultimate intention behind the introduction of this role was to create a shift in culture within the NHS, to give trainees more flexibility, and to offer them support as they carry out their training alongside the other commitments they may have. The recent NHS Long Term plan has a strong commitment to promote flexible NHS working and more than 1 in 10 doctors in training in England now work LTFT.
I have worked LTFT for many years as a Consultant in NELFT and I am aware of some of the issues that can arise in relation to this. I am fully committed to supporting you as a LTFT trainee and will be in touch with you throughout your time with us. I am readily available to help out on an individual basis with any problems you may be having in relation to your part time role and will continue to try and raise the profile of LTFT training within the Trust.