NELFT does not accept invoices without a valid Purchase Order (PO) number. Please ensure you have a PO in advance of taking an order from NELFT and state the PO number clearly on your Invoice.
This is subject to the following list of exemptions:
Telephones, agency staff, service level agreements with other NHS organisations; payments to local authorities; joint finance / grant payments to voluntary bodies; nursing home; care homes; utility bills; petty cash; staff expenditures; pharmacy; bank charges and court costs.
If your invoice falls under one of these exemptions, please ensure the budget holder name is clearly stated on your invoice for prompt payment.
All of our invoices are processed by our Financial Systems Provider, ELFS.
To register your invoice please email: elfs.395NEL@cloud-trade.com. Please ensure there is only one invoice attachment per email.
If you have any queries regarding the status of your invoice payment then please contact ELFS at: nelft.client@elfs.myservicedesk.com.
For further information, please contact the NELFT Procurement Department by email: procurement@nelft.nhs.uk
Invoicing Address:
North East London NHS Foundation Trust
C/o Mitie
Unit 8
Network Park
Duddeston Mill Road
B8 1AU
Phone: 01254 786021
Email: elfs.395NEL@cloud-trade.com