Watch the recording of our Annual Members' Meeting held online on Thursday 7 November 2024.
NELFT has more than 10,000 public members who we keep informed about NELFT’s work and the future plans for the healthcare services we run in their area.
Becoming a NELFT member is a great way to learn more about your local health services and to strengthen your connection with us. It is also free to join as a member and you can choose how much or how little you take part.
Most members join us so they can be kept informed about our work.
Other members choose to get more involved by attending our events, coming along to our Annual General Meeting (AGM), taking part in consultations and by sharing their views about NELFT through the members’ elected representatives, the Council of Governors, or by standing for election themselves.
Our members are made up of service users and patients, ex-patients, carers, people who live in the areas we provide services in and people from other parts of England who have an interest in the work we do. The minimum age for membership is 16. We want our membership to be representative of the people who live in the areas we provide services to.
Joining is simple, just go to the Apply to be a member page, complete the form and email it to us.
Alongside our public members, NELFT’s circa 6000 members of staff are also part of our membership. We want our staff to be informed about all aspects of NELFT and to have a say in how we operate. All permanent NELFT staff are automatically members unless they choose to opt out. If you are a member of our bank staff please also use the link above to become a member of the trust.