Contact Us

If you wish to discuss our programme further please contact us at

Barking and Dagenham:

Porters Avenue Health Centre,
Porters Avenue

0300 300 1763

Havering Respiratory team:

Romford clinic
40 Main Road Romford

0300 300 1551


Redbridge Respiratory team:

Redbridge Diabetes centre,
Buntingbridge Road
Newbury Park
IG2 7 LR

X: @NELFT_RB_rep


BHR Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services

Pulmonary Rehabilitation is an exercise and education programme for people with chronic lung conditions. It is suitable for patients with a variety of respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, bronchiectasis and pulmonary fibrosis.

The programme is customised and tailored to each patients individual exercise abilities to suit their needs. Pulmonary Rehab is recognised as one of the most effective treatments for people with long term lung conditions.

Benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation

  • Improves breathlessness and can help you do more.
  • Improves your functional capacity; meaning it will help you to improve your ability to do the things you enjoy or are important to you. It will also improve your ability to do your daily tasks.
  • Improves your exercise tolerance or capacity
  • Helps you understand and manage your lung condition better.
  • Improves quality of life and overall health and well being as well as an opportunity to socialise with other people with a long term lung condition.  
  • Reduces risk of hospital admissions as well as time spent in hospital when/if admitted.

If you want to attend a pulmonary rehabilitation programme, please get in touch with you GP or health care professionals to review if you are suitable for referral.

Your health care professionals can then refer you over to our service.

If you are referred over to our service, you will be invited to an assessment. You can not join the programme unless you have an assessment. You will be given more details about the programme at your assessment.

Our programme entails 

  • 2 sessions a week for 6 weeks
  • Each session lasts for 2 hours.
  • Each session consists of exercise session and education session.
  • Each of the boroughs has community venues for the sessions (Please note: this service is currently withheld due to COVID-19, we will resume the service as soon as it is safe to do so).
  • In the meantime we are offering virtual pulmonary rehab groups through online platforms like zoom, Microsoft teams. We are able to loan you a device and internet if you are interested. Please do contact us to know more.

What do our clients think of virtual pulmonary rehab:

‘Even though there was quite a few of us I felt that the staff encouraged everyone to do well at there own standards and each of us had different condition’
‘Very hands on and motivational’
‘Effectively and positively remotely done. So brilliant and unusually targeted. 300% recommended’
‘Even though we were not all in the same room it made you feel included. All questions were answered and everything was explained clearly’