Caring for a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be stressful for parents and siblings. As a parent, you may be concerned about your child’s future and feel stress related to managing your child’s developmental delays.
You may feel isolated from friends and family members who don’t understand your family’s special challenges.
Parent support groups and parent-child interaction therapy can help decrease your stress and ease your worries.
Learning about ASD and how it affects children and impacts families can help you adjust to the diagnosis, learn effective coping and parenting strategies, and optimize your child’s growth and development.
Support groups also give you opportunities to connect with other caregivers in similar situations.
Organisations offering advice and support to families after an autism diagnosis
National Autistic Society
A national organisation providing information about autism and how it effects people, including some information about strategies and approaches.
Visit website https://www.autism.org.uk/
Autism West Midlands
Provide useful information and resources:
Autism leaflets in different languages:
Information videos, which have been created by a partnership between the University of Leicester, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust, and was funded by Carlton Hayes Charity, will be helpful in learning about autism. project, which has been designed to help individuals and families develop a greater understanding of childhood autism:
Autism Education Trust
Amazing Things Project
Autistic Young Experts Channel