Redbridge Community Health and Social Care Services (HASS)
The Redbridge Community Health and Social Care Services (HASS) is a new integrated service for health and adult social care, jointly provided by NELFT and the London Borough of Redbridge.
The service has a greater focus on early intervention and prevention to deliver high quality integrated care and support to people who are over the age of 18 and are:
- vulnerable older people
- adults with a learning disability and/or on the autistic spectrum. For NELFT Community Learning Disability Team - Redbridge, please visit their page here: Community Learning Disability Team (Redbridge)
- adults with a physical and/or sensory disability
- adults with a mental health issue
The Redbridge HASS consists of four multi-disciplinary community health teams set up across the Borough based on GP Clusters.
Each team is made up of social workers, occupational therapists andnurses as well as individual specialist teams e.g physiotherapy, speech & language, rehabilitation etc and will be located within the following wards; Fairlop, Cranbrook & Loxford, Wanstead & Woodford and Seven Kings.
Patient information
Contact information
Community Health & Social Care Fairlop Cluster- includes mental health
852 Cranbrook Road, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex IG6 1HZ
Email: nem-tr.NELFTRedFair@NHS.NET
Community Health & Social Care Cranbrook and Loxford Cluster
69 Albert Road, Ilford, IG1 1HP
Community Health & Social Care Wanstead and Woodford Cluster
Community Health & Social Care, Wanstead & Woodford, 120 High Road, London, E18 2QS
Email: nem-tr.NELFTRedWandW@NHS.NET
Community Health & Social Care Seven Kings Cluster including Seven Kings MH CHSCS (HASS)
Community Care Advice Centre, Aldborough Road North, Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex IG2 7SR
For Social Care Support Referrals
Please use online my life contact form via (And search contact form) for social care support.
Telephone number: 0208 708 7333 (First Contact Team)
Email: or
Referral for social care support include:
Adult Social Care General Enquiries
- Social work
- Occupational Therapy (not safeguarding/crisis related
For Safeguarding Referrals
Send to -
Working Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (IF YOU ARE CALLING OUTSIDE THESE HOURS PLEASE CALL 0208 554 5000)
For Health Referrals
Please email: or Fax – 0208 708-2319
For district nurse enquiries: 0208-708-2318
For Speech & Language/Nutrition & Dietetics enquiries: 0208-708-2540
Referrals for Health support include:
- District Nurse
- Community Matron
- Leg Ulcer/Tissue Viability
- Speech and Language
- Nutrition and Dietetics
Working Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (IF YOU ARE CALLING OUTSIDE THESE HOURS INCLUDING WEEKENDS/BANK HOLIDAYS PLEASE CALL 0208 708 5999. Fax-0208 708 5757 Email