Do you have recent experience of using NELFT services as a patient or carer? Are you interested in working alongside us to improve services? If so we would love you to become an involvement representative.
NELFT provides a wide range of community health and mental health services in London and Essex, for both children and adults.
We firmly believe that people who use our services and those that support them have a key role in helping us improve the services we currently provide and in helping shape the design and delivery of future services.
Our Involvement Representatives are at the heart of this and at NELFT we offer paid work to Involvement Representatives in areas such as:
We also actively encourage our Involvement Representatives to take part in local and strategic patient carer groups:
If you are interested in applying, please click here — Involvement representative application form. If you would like more information please contact the patient experience team on 0300 555 1201 ext 64228 / 64382 / 64229 or email involvement@nelft.nhs.uk