Core trainees join NELFT from the KMPT core psychiatry training scheme for their CAMHS experience and posts are available at CHYPMHS services in Swale with Dr Sophia Holliday and Maidstone with Dr Sanaa Saeed. The core trainees continue to participate in the KMPT out of hours on call rota and the academic programme with regular case presentations, journal club, balint group and MRCPsych course. The core trainees are able to gain experience in assessing and treating a wide range of psychiatric conditions presenting in children and young people including anxiety and mood disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, trauma, and psychosis. There is weekly supervision with the consultant psychiatrist, and they are able to join other skilled members of the MDT for urgent assessments and complex joint working. There are opportunities to attend taster days with the All Age Eating Disorder Service, the Crisis Team and the inpatient services at Kent and Medway Adolescent Hospital. Trainees can take up opportunities within CAMHS to complete audit and management projects during their placements and can also be supported to complete short psychotherapy (CBT) cases within the CHYPMHS services.
There is a Specialist Higher Training Scheme in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Kent, Surrey and Sussex (KSS) Deanery with training places across the three counties and trainees generally completing their training within their chosen county of Kent, Surrey or Sussex. Specialist higher training in Children and Adolescent Psychiatry in Kent gives you the opportunity for placements in a variety of services across a wide geographical area. Children and Young People's Mental Health Services (CYPMHS) placements are in the specific localities of Ashford, Dartford & Swale allow you to gain experience in community outpatient environments. There is also a specialist placement at the All Age Eating Disorders Service in Maidstone and an inpatient placement at the Kent and Medway Adolescent Hospital in Staplehurst. There is also the prospect to gain experience seeing young people within the Neurodevelopmental and Learning Disability Service (NLDS). Trainees have opportunities to complete audit and management projects in all placements and there are also opportunities to gain experience in Family therapy, CBT and group interventions. Trainees join the consultant on-call rota under supervision and gain experience in paediatric liaison and emergency Mental Health Act (MHA) Assessments such as those triggered by detention under Section 136 of the MHA. Close links with Surrey and Sussex Trusts presents prospective training experiences in more specialised services which bridge the gaps between mental health, social care and education such as The Hope Service in Surrey, or SWIFT Specialist Family Service in East Sussex. There are opportunities for research across KSS and trainees are matched with an appropriate supervisor to support them in completing their chosen research project or literature review. There is a regular academic programme with weekly teaching for the group of higher trainees on the KSS scheme which attracts a diverse range of speakers covering all aspects of child & adolescent psychiatry including sessions dedicated to preparing you for consultant practice. This also gives you the opportunity to link with other trainees across the KSS scheme for support, cohesion and sharing of experience. Specialist higher training in Kent allows for a broad and deep experience preparing you well for a career in Children and Adolescent Psychiatry.