There are a range of online training sessions available for NELFT staff, students on placement and subscribing organisations.
All training and support is currently provided via Teams. To find all our training session search ‘Library’ on STEPS. All sessions are scheduled for specific dates, except the 15-minute consultations, which are provided on an ad-hoc basis. Click the links for each session to find out more information. If you are not NELFT staff, please email alice.cleaver@nelft.nhs.uk for more information on training sessions.
We also offer elearning modules on the following topics:
The information skills training is open to NELFT staff and members of subscribing organisations. If you work in Essex, you are also able to access similar training at Basildon Healthcare Library. Please see Healthcare Libraries - Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (mse.nhs.uk) for further details.
All our training sessions require you to have at least basic computer skills. You should also have an NHS OpenAthens account. To get an NHS OpenAthens account, please fill in the online registration form here.
If you are a member of NELFT staff, or your organisation subscribes to customised training, you can book a one-to-one session or a customised session for your team at your workplace. Contact our Assistant Librarian, Alice, at alice.cleaver@nelft.nhs.uk for more information.