To access NEL Keyworking support, children and young people must be on their local Dynamic Support Register.
A professional working with them can refer them, or they can make a self-referral by contacting the Dynamic Support Register holders listed below.
There are two registers per borough, one for children and one for adults.
A Dynamic Support Register is a list of people with learning disabilities and or autism who are at risk of going into hospital, for example mental health wards. This maybe because they are not getting the right care and treatment outside of hospital.
Reasons for being admitted into hospital could include:
Breakdown of placement
Alcohol or substance misuse
Significant life changes such as a move or bereavement
Non-compliance with care and treatment plans
The Dynamic Support Register brings together professionals to plan for the extra support that the child or young person needs to be able to stay at home and not go into hospital. This can include getting a keyworker.
If the child or young person does not want to be on the Dynamic Support Register, they can say no. Saying no will not affect their day-to-day care, for example, daily visits from care workers or CAMHS treatment.
For more information on your local Dynamic Support Register, contact the register holder, for your borough:
Children's list
Carolyn Greenaway - DSRReferrals@lbbd.gov.uk
Young person/Adult's list
Ehab Khattab - Ehab.Khattab@nelft.nhs.uk
Children & Young People Disability Hub | London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (lbbd.gov.uk)
Children's list
John Sagomba - John.Sagomba@havering.gov.uk
Young person/Adult's list
Bini Thomas - bini.thomas@havering.gov.uk
Children's list
Sarah-Jane Buck - sarah-jane.buck@nhs.net
Young Person/Adult's list
Rehana Akthar - rehana.akther@nelft.nhs.uk
Children's list
Stephanie Earle — Stephanie.Earle@walthamforest.gov.uk
Young Person/Adult's list
Cherry Muncal — WF.CLDTHealth@nelft.nhs.uk
Transforming Care: People with learning disabilities and autism | London Borough of Waltham Forest
Children's list
Aiyesha Desai - aiyeshadesai@nhs.net
Young Person/Adult's list
Michelle Hill — michelle.hill@hackney.gov.uk
Children's list
Ellie Duncan – e.duncan1@nhs.net
Young Person/Adult's list
Gary Woolvett - gary.woolvett1@nhs.net
Children's list
Jasmin Begum - jasmin.begum10@nhs.net
Contact number - 07949 385 396
Young Person/Adult's list
Carol London-Baptise — Carol.London-Baptiste@towerhamlets.gov.uk
Tower Hamlets Local Offer :: Providers / Dynamic Support Register (localoffertowerhamlets.co.uk)