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Chief Executive's weekly blog - 20 July 2022

Firstly, a huge thank you to all our colleagues and partners for all your efforts as you have been working through the heatwave! I know it has been really tough to work in the recent hot weather. I am hoping that the weather will be cooling down over the coming days, at least for the foreseeable future. I really appreciate your efforts in ensuring that our most vulnerable patients have been well supported over the last few days.

As always it has been a busy week here at NELFT. Last week saw the launch of two of the three Spirometry units we are launching across mid and south Essex as part of our Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative (MSECC). It was great to hear from colleagues about the difference these will make to our patients who require respiratory treatment in terms of access and patient safety. I was also pleased to see our Urgent Community Response Team, another partnership with Essex University Hospitals NHS Trust and Provide CIC, as part of the MSECC, gaining media coverage on BBC Look East, for the innovative work we are doing to reduce the number of hospital admissions across Thurrock and mid and south Essex. Read the online article here. Thank you to all the teams involved in both of these services, really working hard to deliver the best care by the best people.

On Monday I had the privilege, along with our Chair, Sultan Taylor, and other Executive and Non-Executive, Directors, of attending our LEAP graduation event. LEAP is a leadership training programme available to colleagues across NELFT and is open to all levels. It was such an uplifting and inspiring event, hearing from colleagues across NELFT who have participated in the programme and who shared the impacts of LEAP. Congratulations to everyone who graduated on Monday.

This week has also seen the launch of the Cavendish Square Group (CSG) social media campaign aimed at supporting young people across London to access appropriate mental health support in a crisis and to reduce admissions to emergency departments. The CSG represents the 10 NHS mental health trusts across London and this campaign has been led on behalf of the CSG by our Director of Communications, Engagement and Charitable Funds, Carrie-Ann Wade, along with the communications director from Camden and Islington NHS FT and partners from Thrive LDN and Healthy London Partnership. The campaign working group also included clinical representation and the campaign has been tested with young people and parents. Find out more and read the quote from our very own Leon Wehncke, lead consultant at Brookside. 

Finally, I will end with a reminder to ensure you are looking after your own health and wellbeing as well as that of your colleagues. We know that we are operating in very challenging times with the impacts of the pandemic, the cost of living crisis and a host of other issues we are dealing with in our work and personal lives. If you work in health and care across the Trust or across North East London, you can seek support and advice from KeepingWell NEL.

Take care and stay safe



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