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Chief Executive's Weekly Blog

The weeks seem to be flying by at the moment and I can hardly believe we are in the last week of October already. That means that our Black History Month celebrations are drawing to a close and as well as encouraging colleagues to attend sessions if you haven’t already, I would also like to thank everyone who has been involved in the organisation and promotion of the events. It has been good to see so much activity and to see people coming together across NELFT to celebrate as well as educate.

It is also the last week of Speak Up Month and the theme for this week is Speak Up for Everyone. I have really appreciated our colleagues who have joined us on our all staff webinars this month sharing information about what we can do to support each other in speaking up and sharing their own experiences. Don’t forget we also have a series of short films about our just and compassionate culture programme here at NELFT that covers the various ways in which we support and encourage colleagues to speak up and how we learn in order to improve as an organisation.

One of the best parts of my job is getting to see and hear all the great things we are receiving recognition for across the Trust and this is down to your hard work, dedication and commitment. I’d like to congratulate our Eating Disorder Service (London) on achieving full Quality Network for Community CAMHS accreditation from the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Well done to our Practice Experience Programme Team (PEPT) on being awarded the CapitalNurse Quality Mark for preceptorship.

I’m delighted we have been awarded the status of Disability Confident Leader Level 3. This is a recognition of the work we’ve been doing to ensure that all sections of NELFT are providing a fully inclusive service for people with a disability. And finally this week I would like to congratulate Olu Olufunmilayo, Annette Wojtyczka and Michelle Victory on being nominated for awards at the Capital AHP Support Workforce: Shining Stars event which takes place on 8 November – good luck!

Take care and stay safe


Jacqui Van Rossum
Chief Executive (Acting)


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