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NELFT celebrates National Apprenticeship Week with Kirsty Clark

National Apprenticeship Week 5-11 Feb 2024, photo of Kirsty, NELFT logos on right hand side

National Apprenticeship Week is an annual celebration which showcases the benefits that apprentices can bring to local communities, organisations, and the wider economy.

To mark the week, North East London NHS Foundation Trust is shining a light on the positive impact apprentices have made in providing care to service users in the local community.

Kirsty Clark is Transformational Facilitator for Basildon and Wickford ICT who has completed two apprenticeships – one to become a Band 4 Nurse Associate, and a further top up apprenticeship to become a Band 5 registered nurse. She has since been promoted to a Band 6 Transformational Facilitator.

“Originally joining NELFT as a community HCA, my goal was always to be a nurse. However with my responsibilities I felt I couldn’t leave work and go to university full-time so an apprenticeship felt like the best and only option to become a nurse.”

How is your apprenticeship organised?

“For both my apprenticeships, it was very much ‘working at home’ which means where your job is based, working in a placement setting, and then attending university. I also had ‘blended learning’ which was work that I needed to complete each week, that aspect was quite challenging, so you need good time management.”

How were you supported?

“From NELFT, the PEFT team were great. They checked in with me every month to see how everything was going and if I needed any additional support. My team at the time were also very supportive.

It has all come full circle as I now work as a Transformational Facilitator supporting students on placement, for Basildon and Wickford ICT. “

The community nursing team visit patients in their own home to administer care, including end of life care, or wound care.

What was your proudest moment in your apprenticeship?

"Definitely being able to share learning across different placement areas. I have a lot of community knowledge, so while completing a placement in hospital I trained some of the team on key community health care skills. This helped my confidence grow".

Following the completion of both apprenticeships, Kristy now works as a Transformational Facilitator, supporting students on placement with additional clinical skills or general pastoral support.

“I’m very passionate about supporting apprentices, because that’s been my career path".

To find out more about the Integrated Care Teams, visit: NELFT Integrated Care Team

For career opportunities at NELFT, visit


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