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What LGBT+ Allies can do during Pride Month

Photograph of Mouline (Chair of Network) and Fran (Lead Communications for the Network) at NELFT headquarters, NELFT logos

As part of Pride Month, NELFT is encouraging allies of the LGBT+ community to get involved with Pride and the events taking place across the month.

What is an Ally?

An ally is anyone who acts to bring about positive change for people who identify differently to themselves. In the context of LGBT+ equality, allies are heterosexual (straight) people showing support for lesbian, gay or bisexual people and cisgender (non-trans) persons showing support for trans people, including non-binary people.

Hollye Enser (She/Her) is the Internal Communications and Engagement Manager within NELFT’s Communications team and an active ally of the LGBT+ Community. She is also a member of the LGBT+ Ally staff network at the Trust. She said:

“Being an ally is so important. Being there for people, all people, is one of the greatest gifts we can give to anyone, along with our time and our trust.

“People deserve to live their lives, love who they want, and be themselves without risk or fear of regressive and negative behaviours which we as individuals, and as a Trust, must continue to work on to provide an environment of safety and acceptance.

“Those who don’t feel they can accept another person's choice of love or identity need to look deep down and challenge their own insecurities, values, biases, ideas and check themselves. We will always have more to do, more to learn and more to understand.

“Just because you've always thought something doesn't make it correct, and there is this big and beautiful world that holds so many differences just waiting to be discovered and when you open yourself up to them - we all win. Love is love. And it always will be.”

Ways to be an Ally during Pride Month:

  • Introduce yourself with your pronouns: This creates a safe space for members of the LGBT+ community to be able to share their own pronouns.
  • Don’t make assumptions about someone’s gender or sexuality: Use inclusive language and listen to how someone describes themselves. Be open to new ideas and terms.
  • Educate yourself: There is always more to learn and understand about the history of LGBT+ people and the issues that matter to them today.
  • Demonstrate your support: Think of allyship as more of a verb rather than a noun. Actions speak louder than words. Attend pride, join in at a Pride party, sign a petition or volunteer your services to help the community during Pride Month.

Use these throughout Pride Month and throughout the year to support the LGBT+ community.

NELFT are taking part in London Pride on Saturday 29 June.

Introduction to new Chair of LGBT+ and Ally staff Network:

The LGBT+ and Ally staff Network has recently introduced their new Chair, Mouline Joshi (He/Him), Head of Learning Services at NELFT. (Photograph of Mouline above).

The LGBT+ and Ally staff Network is a way of LGBT+ staff members and allies of the LGBT+ community to come together and engage. NELFT has several networks dedicated to different groups, such as the Armed Forces network and the Disability Staff network. Each of the networks has an action plan that they are delivering on to support staff. The networks are supported by the Trust's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team.

Mouline has been a longstanding active ally to queer people, both at NELFT and outside of the organisation.

Mouline is keen to use his role as Chair to ensure that the voices of LGBT+ staff are heard across the Trust, and to strategically work on initiatives that transform understanding and support of queer staff and service users. Mouline said:

“Pride month is about inclusion, acceptance, equity, belonging and celebrating the work of LGBT+ people, education in LGBT+ history and raising awareness of issues affecting the community.”


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