You can view a variety of NELFT improvement projects and participation in a variety of conferences, collaboratives, and other improvement based work in the left hand menu.
Example Quality Improvement Project
Below is a video made by one of our Quality Improvement Team Members - Patrick Onyema, about a project he led in 2017. This is a fantastic video for anyone wanting to learn more about how and why we do quality improvement.
"This was a Quality Improvement project done as part of my NELFT Quality Improvement Facilitator Training Cohort 4 in 2017 whilst working with the NELFT Dementia Crisis Support Team as a Healthcare Assistant. This re-creation is to demonstrate that Quality Improvement is for everyone from Ward to Board using the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Model for Improvement (MFI) to accelerate improvement and the Sheffield model 5Ps together with a clinical audit tool called service evaluation and Audit. The charts drawn manually as part of this video can be automatically generated using the LifeQI platform and was drawn in the video to keep in line with the theme of the video." - Patrick Onyema