The Intensive rehabilitation service is a home based rehabilitation service for Adults 18 years and over. The service is provided to the basildon and brentwood population
The service comprises of:
Patients need to be able to achieve a rehabilitation goal within 21 days to be accepted into this service.
Patients can be seen several times in one day so they need to be able to tolerate this level of therapy input.
Contact address:
Inpatient rehabilitation service
Brentwood Community Hospital
Crescent Drive
CM15 8DR
Opening times
Open 365 days a year
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Saturday and Sunday 9am to 12:45pm
GPs, Health professionals, Acute hospitals within the Basildon and Brentwood Area
Referrals are accepted via SystmOne via a task Through the Adult Single Point of Access or via telephone 0300 300 1909
Patients need to be 18 years or over and able to benefit from up to 21 days of intensive rehabilitation. The service is only provided for a 21 day period and the patient must be able to achieve their intended goal in this time period.
This is a domicillary service and the therapy will take place in the patients place of residence.