Havering Psychological Services (HPS) provide psychological assessments and evidence-based therapy for individuals aged 18 and over, who are experiencing severe and enduring psychological symptoms.
Referrals to HPS can only be made via Talking Therapies (otherwise known as Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) or from other secondary care mental health services. Referrals are directed to one of the three pathways (Mood, Anxiety and Personality (MAP); Psychosis or Psychotherapy) within HPS, according to individuals’ needs. Treatment models and length of treatment is led by the relevant National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for service users in secondary care.
Referral forms for clinicians can be accessed on the right of this page.
The MAP Team offer specialist psychological assessments which are designed to identify the most suitable therapy treatment plan for individuals. Therapy is provided for individuals who are experiencing difficulties such as complex anxiety, complex trauma, personality disorder traits, and treatment resistant depression.
Therapy treatment plans are offered on an individual or group basis, and include cognitive-behavioural therapy; compassion-focused therapy; emotional regulation therapy and trauma focused therapies
The Havering Psychosis Service offers specialist psychological assessment and treatment for individuals with a diagnosis of Psychosis. The specialist assessment is designed to identify the most suitable therapy treatment plan. All treatment models and length of treatment are led by the relevant NICE guidance for service users in secondary care. Therapy treatment plans are offered utilising Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp) both individually and in therapeutic groups. We also offer Family Intervention in Psychosis for individuals and their families and carers.
Referrals to the Havering Psychosis Service are accepted via the Havering Access and Assessment and Brief Intervention Team (HAABIT) or the Community Recovery Service (CRS) and via the Acute and Rehabilitation Directorate (ARD) and the Talking Therapies Service (previously known as Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service.
The psychotherapy service offers in-depth psychotherapy assessments which form the basis of making clinical judgements about treatment options. Therapy is provided for a range of issues, such as complex trauma, complex emotional needs, persistent physical symptoms and for people who may have a history of previous contacts with services.
The service offers both individual psychodynamic psychotherapy and group psychotherapy, as well as other evidenced based treatment such as Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) and Mentalisation Based Therapy (MBT).
The service accepts referrals in line with eligibility criteria for secondary care mental health services. As such the service accepts referrals that fall broadly within two groups of clients. Firstly, those presenting as requiring specialist ‘standalone’ psychological assessment and interventions. Secondly those who have severe and complex needs necessitating psychological assessment and, if indicated, intervention delivered as part of a broader multi-disciplinary package of care.
The service will work with:
The service will strive to be accessible to service users who have a learning disability (or mild cognitive impairment). This will be achieved by:
Havering Psychological Services
Petersfield Centre
Petersfield Avenue
Harold Hill
Tel: 0300 555 1082
Opening times: 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
Email: haveringpsychologyenquiries@nelft.nhs.uk