The continence advisory service delivers a community bladder/bowel dysfunction service for patients with or without incontinence to provide effective clinical care, management and treatment. The service provides skilled nursing assessment, treatment and advice to people with complex continence needs, including urinary and/or faecal problems. It promotes continence and management of symptoms to improve quality of life. Home visits are available for patients who are unable to leave their home.
The Redbridge service also provides assessment and advice for patients with less complex needs, although this is undertaken by District Nurses, Community Matrons, Health Visitors and School Nurses for people on their caseloads.
The service manages the continence pad provision and, in conjunction with the community adult and paediatric nurses, recommends suitable containment products where necessary. However, the main aim of the service is the promotion of continence rather than issuing containment products.
The service also offers education and training to health and care professionals.
Loxford Polyclinic
417 Ilford Lane
Tel: 0300 300 1593
Email: continenceserviceredbridge@nelft.nhs.uk
Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm (excluding bank holidays)
Referrals are accepted by GPs and Health care professionals on the ‘Continence service referral form’. See the ‘For clinicians’ page for more details.