My Care Bridge - Update on new online portal for referrals

Update on new online portal for referrals to children and young people’s ASD and ADHD services in mid and south Essex

My Care Bridge, a new online portal for referrals for children and young people’s autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) services in mid and south Essex, is coming soon.

It is undergoing further testing with families and healthcare professionals to make final improvements before it launches.

GPs, health visitors, and educational settings will be able to use My Care Bridge to make and track new referrals, and provide additional information about the child or young person. Referrals will also continue to be accepted through SystmOne. FAQs and guides on how to use the system will be shared ahead of the launch.

Families, children and young people will be able us the portal to track their referral, add information, and access a library of local support. This aims to give children, young people and their families a better experience.

The portal will be available for children and young people aged 3 to 18, registered with a GP in mid and south Essex. This includes Chelmsford, Braintree, Maldon, Castle Point, Rochford, Southend, Basildon, Brentwood and Thurrock.

The portal been developed by the Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative, a partnership between Essex Partnership University Trust, North East London Foundation Trust and Provide Community Interest Company.

Referral process

How to refer

The ASD & ADHD Diagostics Team co-ordinates new assessments for Children and Young People exhibiting a developmental difficulty affecting social communication, social interaction, attention, emotion understanding and regulation, sensory sensitivities, rigid and repetitive behaviour that unfolds as an individual develops and grows. Requests for support will be accepted if there is an indication in the supporting questionnaires that the difficulties may be part of ASD or ADHD. Please see the referral process and links to referral forms below.

Referal process 

Referral process


After assessment and diagnosis

Following assessment and diagnosis the team may be able to sign-post you to further services or give some targeted support regarding the diagnosis.


For the community paediatrics team to consider a diagnosis of  Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, only Schools, GP’s and other professionals are permitted to make a referral. If you are a parent or carer seeking support for either of these conditions please speak to your GP or other professional to discuss making a referral.

As a professional working with the family you will coordinate the collection of referral information and make the referral. Before completing the main referral, please ensure that the family/carers and school have completed the supplementary information forms to attach to the referral. The referral cannot be processed without completed information.


Send out the additional information forms to school and family/carers relative to age and potential diagnosis. Request the information is returned to you (referrer).

The forms are available to download or sent by hyperlink from this webpage 

Please be advised these forms can take between 30-40 minutes to complete


Complete the age and diagnosis relevant referral form online and attach ALL additional information in the forms attachments section.

Press submit

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