We have school health teams across Kent. Our teams are available from 8am until 6pm, Monday to Friday, including during school holidays. This service is for children and young people who are school-age, between ages of four and 19.
You do not need to be in mainstream education to seek our support. If you are home-schooled or in a pupil referral unit, you can still use this service.
A place where young people aged 10-16 can learn how to look after their emotional and mental health and find ways to help them bounce back when life gets tough.
Chat Health is a text service for 11 to 19 year-olds. Young people can text with a member of our team about any physical or emotional health concerns they have.
This service is available Monday to Friday, 9am on 07520 618850 and is confidential and anonymous.
A free service for anyone over 17, with information to help you improve your mental and physical health and wellbeing. Whatever it is, we’re here to help. We won’t judge you and what we discuss will remain confidential.
Tel: 0800 567 7699
If you’re worried about your drug or alcohol use. We can help you stop or cut down on what you’re using, and help you with other problems you may be having.
You don’t have to pay for any of our services and we won’t tell anyone about anything you tell us without your permission.
This service is for you if:
Kent for young people - We Are With You
An online resource that provides free, safe and anonymous support for young people. It offers Support such as talking to counsellors, access to articles written by young people, access to a ‘Kooth community’ (including forums) and a place to write daily journals. The service is available for 10-16yr olds.
Over the phone and online support for 8-25 year olds from the LGBT+ community and parents and carers.
Kent Resilience Hub is a resource that helps young people, parents and carers and practitioners to understand emotional wellbeing and resilience.
Kent Resilience Hub - Kent Resilience Hub
We have school health teams across Kent. The teams are available from 8am until 6pm, Monday to Friday, including during school holidays. This service is for children and young people who are school-age, between ages of four and 19.
You do not need to be in mainstream education to seek our support. If you are home-schooled or in a pupil referral unit, you can still use the service.
Visit the website for more information on the service and access to resources Kent Youth Health - improve your health and wellbeing
Tel: 0800 0113 474
Email: nem-tr.kentchildrenandyoungpeoplehealthservices@nhs.net
IASK stands for Information, Advice & Support Kent: The service is a Special education needs and disability service provided by Kent County Council. Contact them for any SEND related queries.
Tel: 03000 41 3000 (Mon-Fri 9-5pm)
Email: iask@kent.gov.uk
Support for children/adults/with ASD. Day opportunities/living services / respite/family support/behaviour support.
Visit the Kent County Council website for information that supports young people’s wellbeing, education and many other youth and family related support.
Education and children - Kent County Council
Chat Health is a text service for 11 to 19 year-olds. Young people can text with a member of our team about any physical or emotional health concerns they have.
This service is available Monday to Friday on 07520 618850 . This service is confidential and anonymous.
If you’re worried about a young persons’ drug or alcohol use. We can help them to stop or cut down on what they’re using, and help you with other problems they may be having.
The service is free.
This service is for young people:
Kent for young people - We Are With You
Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) are a new government initiative to help increase children and young people’s access to support for emotional wellbeing and mental health. MHSTs are part of the national Children and Young People’s Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies (CYP-IAPT) programme.
MHSTs are a resource in addition to the already existing support in any particular education setting and they have three main functions:
Visit the website to find out more about what is available in your local area.
Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams
Kent Educational Psychology Service have produced the following webinar to support children, young people and their families when experiencing anxiety:
We have school health teams across Kent. The teams are available from 8am until 6pm, Monday to Friday, including during school holidays. This service is for children and young people who are school-age, between ages of four and 19. You do not need to be in mainstream education to seek our support. If you are home-schooled or in a pupil referral unit, you can still use the service. Visit the website for more information on the service and access to resources.
Tel: 0800 0113 474
Email: nem-tr.kentchildrenandyoungpeoplehealthservices@nhs.net
Kent Youth Health - improve your health and wellbeing
KELSI (Kent Education and Learning Skills): A resource for school professionals in Kent, run by Kent County Council with Early Help, Special Education Needs (SEN) information and guidance and health and wellbeing
Support for children and young people - KELSI
Kent Resilience Hub is an online resource that helps young people, parents and carers and practitioners to understand emotional wellbeing and resilience.
Chat Health is a text service for 11 to 19 year-olds. Young people can text with a member of our team about any physical or emotional health concerns they have.
This service is available Monday to Friday. This service is confidential and anonymous.
Call 07520 618850
We Are With You’s Mind and Body programme helps young people explore and better manage the thoughts and behaviours associated with self-harm.
Mind and Body is run in secondary schools and in community settings.
It delivers early intervention support for young people aged 13 to 17 who are involved in or considered vulnerable to self-harming behaviours.
Please get in touch if you would like to refer a young person into our community service or to request support in your school.
Mind and Body in Kent - We Are With You
Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) are a new government initiative to help increase children and young people’s access to support for emotional wellbeing and mental health. MHSTs are part of the national Children and Young People’s Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies (CYP-IAPT) programme.
MHSTs are a resource in addition to the already existing support in any particular education setting and they have three main functions:
Visit the website to find out more about what is available in your local area.
Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams
Kent Educational Psychology Service have produced the following webinar to support children, young people and their families when experiencing anxiety:
Over the phone and online support for 8-25 year olds from the LGBT+ community and parents and carers.
We work with people aged 10 to 18 and 10 to 25 if you are Looked After in Care. The service is for young people who are using drugs and/or alcohol.
We will give you honest information about how they work, what the risks are, and how you can reduce those risks.
You do not have to want to stop using to start working with us.
Medway Young Person Drug and Alcohol Service - Open Road Visions
To find out what is on for young people in Medway and how you can get involved in activities and other opportunities visit their website.
Youth Services | Medway Council
Did you know you can text a School Nurse if you need support?
Anything from relationships, mental health, bullying, alcohol, self harm, healthy eating, drugs and smokin.
If you attend a Medway School, you can text a school nurse on 07480 635786
An online resource that provides free, safe and anonymous support for young people. It offers Support such as talking to counsellors, access to articles written by young people, access to a ‘Kooth community’ (including forums) and a place to write daily journals. The service is available for 10-16yr olds.
Over the phone and online support for 8-25 year olds from the LGBT+ community and parents and carers.
Medway Council website contains information and resources that support mental health and wellbeing for families.
Confidential, impartial SEND Information, advice and support for Medway.
Medway SENDIAS - Family Action
We work with people aged 10 to 18 and 10 to 25 if you are Looked After in Care. The service is for young people who are using drugs and/or alcohol.
We will give you honest information about how they work, what the risks are, and how you can reduce those risks.
You do not have to want to stop using to start working with us.
Medway Young Person Drug and Alcohol Service
To find out what is on for young people in Medway and how you can get involved in activities and other opportunities visit their website.
Youth Services at Medway Council
Did you know you can text a School Nurse if you need support?
Anything from relationships, mental health, bullying, alcohol, self harm, healthy eating, drugs and smoking.
If you attend a Medway School, you can text a school nurse on 07480 635786
MCH offers child health community services to children and young people from new born to 18 years for children living in Medway.
If you live in Swale, you can see which services we provide here:
Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) are a new government initiative to help increase children and young people’s access to support for emotional wellbeing and mental health. MHSTs are part of the national Children and Young People’s Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies (CYP-IAPT) programme.
MHSTs are a resource in addition to the already existing support in any particular education setting and they have three main functions:
Visit the website to find out more about what is available in your local area.
Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams
Kent Educational Psychology Service have produced the following webinar to support children, young people and their families when experiencing anxiety:
Confidential, Impartial SEND Information, Advice and Support for Medway
Medway SENDIAS - Family Action
We work with people aged 10 to 18 and 10 to 25 if you are Looked After in Care. The service is for young people who are using drugs and/or alcohol.
We will give you honest information about how they work, what the risks are, and how you can reduce those risks.
You do not have to want to stop using to start working with us.
Medway Young Person Drug and Alcohol Service
To find out what is on for young people in Medway and how you can get involved in activities and other opportunities visit their website.
Youth Services | Medway Council
Did you know you can text a School Nurse if you need support? Anything from relationships, mental health, bullying, alcohol, self harm, healthy eating, drugs and smoking.
If you attend a Medway School, you can text a school nurse on 07480 635786
MCH offers child health community services to children and young people from new born to 18 years for children living in Medway.
If you live in Swale, you can see which Medway Community Healthcare
Public Health Training Portal for the Education and SEND category.
The courses are designed to help improve your knowledge of Key Public Health Topics as well as develop your communication and inter-personal skills.
Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) are a new government initiative to help increase children and young people’s access to support for emotional wellbeing and mental health. MHSTs are part of the national Children and Young People’s Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies (CYP-IAPT) programme.
MHSTs are a resource in addition to the already existing support in any particular education setting and they have three main functions:
Visit the website to find out more about what is available in your local area.
Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams
Kent Educational Psychology Service have produced the following webinar to support children, young people and their families when experiencing anxiety:
Over the phone and online support for 8-25 year olds from the LGBT+ community and parents and carers.
Young Minds Crisis Messenger, for free 24/7 support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis – text YM to 85258 (all texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors)
Young Minds Mental Health Charity for Children and Young People
Childline is here to listen and support you with anything you’d like to talk about. Call 0800 1111 to be put in contact with one of their counsellors. Due to COVID 19 you can only speak to a Childline counsellor online or on the phone from 7.30am – midnight from Monday to Friday, or from 9am – midnight at weekends.
Access online support with a counsellor.
The Mix Counselling service is suitable for you if you are looking for short-term help with your mental health and emotional wellbeing. Our Telephone and Webchat counselling service is available to young people aged 25 years old and under. Our counsellors aim to support by listening to your problems and helping you find ways to cope in a confidential, safe space.
Counselling sessions could help with issues such as:
- A bereavement (death) or relationship breakdown
- Stress / anxiety
- Exploring issues like your sexual identity / gender identity
- Dealing with issues that are stopping you achieving your ambitions
- Dealing with feelings of depression or sadness
- Understanding yourself and your problems better
- Feeling more confident
You will usually be offered up to eight counselling sessions that last around 50 minutes each.
You don't need a GP's counselling referral to speak to us. We offer self referral counselling, so you can come straight to us without having to go to a doctor first.
ADHD foundation provides a useful list of guides that you may find helpful.
If you are anxious, worried or stressed you can text SHOUT to 85258 for free 24/7 support from trained volunteers Messages are entirely confidential and anonymous. You can visit their website.
Advice and activities to support children and parents with their mental health and emotional well-being 0-19. Offer a live chat service for parents from experienced parenting coaches.
Helpline/parent adult support/earlybird centre/social programmes/diagnosis centre/day opportunities.
A comprehensive website providing information, advice and guidance on all things ADHD related.
ADHD Foundation have a list of resources approved by experts in ADHD. You can find them on their website.
Parents and Carers - ADHD Foundation
Are you worried about your child? Perhaps you want some parenting tips? MindEd for Families was built by parents and a Consortium of professionals, funded by the Department of Education, in partnership with Health Education.
If you are struggling with your Mental Health and need someone to talk to you can contact the Samaritans. Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. call 116 123
Visit the website for other ways to get in touch.
Call 0800 107 0160 for 24hr phone support from compassionate helpline staff, trained in counselling skills.
This service is provided by Mental Health Matters and you can visit their website for more information.
Parent’s helpline with expert advice call 0808 802 5544
Young Minds Crisis Messenger, for free 24/7 support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis – text YM to 85258 (all texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors)
Call the CALM helpline 0800 58 58 58 or get expert advice via the webchat.
CALM’s helpline and livechat are open from 5pm to midnight every day. 365 days a year. Our helpline and livechat are for everyone over the age of 15.
A charity for parents in understanding speech, language and communication needs and selective mutism.
AFASIC or call 0300 666 9410
SMIRA has an excellent range of resources, training, recommended reading, and case stories for parents / carers who have a child with Selective Mutism.
UK’s only registered charity dedicated to raising awareness and furthering information about Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. As a not-for-profit, we work to provide individuals, parents, carers and medical professionals with up-to-date relevant information, research and support.
Kent Educational Psychology Service have produced the following webinar to support children, young people and their families when experiencing anxiety:
Call 0800 107 0160 for 24hr phone support from compassionate helpline staff, trained in counselling skills.
This service is provided by Mental Health Matters and you can visit their website for more information.
Text "Kent" to 85258 for 24hr mental health crisis support via text from trained volunteers. This service is provided by SHOUT.
An online resource that provides free, safe and anonymous support for young people. It offers Support such as talking to counsellors, access to articles written by young people, access to a ‘Kooth community’ (including forums) and a place to write daily journals. The service is available for 10-16yr olds.
Over the phone and online support with a counsellor. Visit the website to find all the different accessible ways in which a young person can access support.
Parent’s helpline with expert advice call 0808 802 5544.
Young Minds Crisis Messenger, for free 24/7 support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis – text YM to 85258 (all texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors)
Call the CALM helpline 0800 58 58 58 or get expert advice via the webchat.
CALM’s helpline and livechat are open from 5pm to midnight every day. 365 days a year. Our helpline and livechat are for everyone over the age of 15.