If you are experiencing trouble accessing journal articles online, the following steps might help:
If none of this works for you, please contact us. We can arrange a time to meet on Teams, share your screen and trouble shoot the issue.
Libkey Nomad browser extension gives you fast, one click access to scholarly articles.
Contact us at library@nelft.nhs.uk and we can create a new activation code for you.
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password on this page. Enter the email address you originally used to register with OpenAthens – in most cases, this will be your @nelft.nhs.uk address (or .gov.uk address for public health staff).
If you still know your password but have forgotten your username, try and use your e-mail address as your username. If this does not work, please contact us at library@nelft.nhs.uk
Go to our Request a search page and follow the instructions.
The BNF + BNFC app makes it quick and easy to access practical, evidence-based medicines information whenever and wherever you need it. Visit the library of video guides to help you get the most from the app.