Our expert Knowledge Specialists carry out evidence searches for information related to commissioning, transformation, quality improvement, clinical teaching, continuing professional development (CPD), and individual service user care.
This free evidence search service is available to NELFT staff and members of organisations who are subscribed to the service, including some local authority public health teams.
OpenAthens account holders - go to KnowledgeShare at https://www.knowledgeshare.nhs.uk/ and log in with your OpenAthens username and password.
(If you don’t have an OpenAthens account already register here , if you have forgotten your password reset it here )
Click on the ‘Evidence’ tab→ then select ‘Request an Evidence Search’ from the drop-down list.
Complete this form to submit a request for an evidence search. This online form will help you frame your evidence search question and consider the kind of evidence you require along with when you need it.
For any issues or support, contact library@nelft.nhs.uk
Our service standards state that we will deliver evidence search results by email, within 10 working days (5 for public health teams) unless you give us a longer deadline. We will attempt to deal with genuinely urgent requests – such as those directly related to service user care – more quickly. We ask our users to plan their work and ask for help as early as possible.
We do not offer evidence searching in support of coursework. If you would like help finding evidence in support of coursework, we can provide you with some training and guidance. Please refer to our training page for further information and to book an appointment.
NELFT LKS Team does not provide evidence searching in support of full systematic reviews e.g. those carried out by research groups and / or those adhering to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines or for funded research.
We can provide systematic searches in support of other types of reviews e.g. scoping reviews, literature reviews and rapid reviews. The University Of Birmingham provides a helpful summary of different types of reviews at Other Reviews - Systematic Reviews
If you request a search on KnowledgeShare and indicate that your request is in respect of a systematic review we will contact you to inform you that our search will not be suitable for a full systematic review and should not be used or referenced as such. We will provide guidance on other types of reviews that may be more appropriate for individuals.
If you would like help finding evidence for a full systematic review we can provide you with some training and guidance, including guidance on other types of reviews that may be more appropriate. Please refer to our training page for further information and to book an appointment.
To see our books on systematic reviews, literature reviews visit NELFT LKS catalogue search results › systematic reviews
NELFT LKS Team uses KnowledgeShare to manage evidence search requests, read the KnowledgeShare privacy policy.