This page will give you some key resources and apps that can be downloaded to help with your mental health.
Mental health is just like physical health – it needs to be cared for.
Having good mental health means being able to think, feel and react in ways that you need to, in order to live your life.
It is how you care about yourself, and care for yourself. You love yourself and meet your physical needs by eating healthy, having a good sleep routine and enjoying yourself.
You see yourself as a valuable person and don’t judge yourself against unreasonable standards.
However there maybe times when your mental health suffers and you may start neglecting yourself, life becomes difficult and you may struggle to deal with things that were once easy to cope with.
It is estimated that at least 1 in 4 people will have mental health difficulties in any given year. It is important to remember that you are not alone and the resources overleaf can help you.
These apps are all free and available to download on the Apple store or Google P laystore.
distrACT App: This App offers total privacy. Designed to find out more about self-harm and suicidal thoughts, discover self-help techniques and safer alternatives to self-harm and a chill zone containing resources that can help you feel better. There is no log in required and no personal data is collected.
Mindshift App: This is a free app designed to help you cope with anxiety. Using a cognitive behaviour therapy approach, this app will help you develop more effective ways of thinking, and give you the resources to take charge of your anxiety.
Calm App: Is free to download, however some features may require you to pay for them.
Feeling Good Teens App: This is a free app that features short audio tracks that can help reduce worries, promote good sleep hygiene and develop self-esteem.
The below resources are there for help in an emergency, if you need someone to talk to or wish to access online help.
Monday – Friday during 9am-5pm please ring 0300 300 1751 (CAMHS DUTY DESK)
If in an emergency out of the above hours (including weekends and bank holidays) contact MENTAL HEALTH DIRECT – 0800 995 1000
Samaritans: 116 123
Papyrus: Suicide prevention advisors for young people aged under 35
Please ring 0800 068 4141 or text 07860 039967
Young Minds: Offers a 24/7 texting service that is free to use on all major phone networks. Text YM 85258
SHOUT: Is another free texting service for anyone who is in a crisis with their mental health. Text 85258
Winstons Wish: Offers 24/7 support to young people if someone close to them has died.
Text WW 85258
Childline: Offers a free, private and confidential advice service for young people.
Kooth: A free, safe and anonymous online support and webchat service for young people to talk to counsellors
No Panic: A charity that helps and supports those that are living with panic attacks, OCD, phobias and other anxiety-related disorders.
The Mix: Free and confidential helpline and webchat for young people to talk about any issues.
Young Minds: A website which contains information on different mental health illnesses
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