The North East London Keyworking Service works with children and young people with learning disabilities and or autism, aged 0-25 years old who have complex needs.
We work with thos e that are at risk of going into specialist hospital, for example mental health wards. This may be because they are not getting the right care and treatment outside of hospital.
North East London NHS Foundation Trust provides this service in:
The aim of the Keyworking Service is to ensure children, young people and their families’ voices are heard and represented . Ge tting them the right support from services at the right time will help improve their experiences and outcomes, reduce length of stay in hospital or avoid admission.
The Keyworking Service will tailor the support it provides based on each child, young person and family’s needs.
They will not replace any health and social care workers currently supporting you. They will work with the services already involved in your care and treatment to identify where additional support is most required. Their involvement will add value and not duplicate or disrupt existing support.
The keyworking case managers may work directly with you and your family . They may work with services (social care, education, health etc) to join up care and treatment, m eet any gaps. This is to make sure that the right health and social care decisions are being made for you.
Examples of what they may do to help avoid admission or support an earlier discharge include:
Our team is made up of people from a wide range of different background s including social care, health visiting, CAMHS and education. They have the knowledge and experience to be able to get the child or young person the support they need.
To access keyworking support, children and young people must be on their local Dynamic Support Register. You can ask a professional working with you to refer you, or you can make a self-referral by contacting the dynamic support register holders.
A dynamic support register is a list of people with learning disabilities and autism who need support because they are at risk of going into hospital if they do not get the right care and treatment in the community. No one is added to the register without their consent.
More information is available at:
Easy read version of the Dynamic Support Register and Care Education and Treatment Review PDF
Dynamic Support Register and Care and Treatment Review policy and guidance
NHS England » D y namic support register and Care (Education) and Treatment Review policy and guide
It is your choice to work with a keyworking case manager or not. If you don’t want to work with a keyworking case manager right now, that is ok. You will still get support from all the other services that are currently working with you, and they may be able to direct you to other people or services that can offer further support.
If you decide not to work with a keyworking case manager right now, but change your mind in the future, that is ok. Contact the dynamic support register holder or ask your health / social care worker.
If you decide to work with a keyworking case manager now but in the future decide you don’t want to anymore, that is fine too. We can look at other ways to make sure you get the support you need.
For information on all the local support available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25 years and their families and carers visit your boroughs local offer website.
You can also find information on services provided by us and our partners on their websites:
North East London Foundation Trust service search
East London Foundation Trust service search
Homerton Healthcare Foundation Trust service search
Anyone working within NELFT has a legal duty to keep information relating to Patients / Service Users and Carers strictly confidential. This is in compliance with the Data Protection Act.