The North E ast London Keyworking Service is delivered by North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT) in:
Outer London: Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Waltham Forest and Redbridge.
Inner London: City & Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets
Keyworking case managers will work with 0-25 year olds with learning disabilities and or autism who are on local Dynamic Support Registers (DSR) and at risk of admission to mental health wards, or who are already inpatients. Our aim is to:
The aim of the Keyworking Service is to ensure children, young people and their families’ voices are heard and have the right support from services at the right time.
Keyworkers will not replace any pre-existing health or social care plans or the professionals currently working with children and young people. They will work in partnership with the professionals, children and young people and their families to deliver support.
The Keyworking Service does not accept direct referrals, our case load comes from the D ynamic Support Registers.
Anyone with a learning disability and or autism diagnosis can self-refer or be referred to the DSR holder to be added to the DSR.
Keyworking case managers are part of the DSR case Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) review and assurance meetings. They will be allocated cases from the DSR to support children and young people who would benefit from enhanced support and intervention that meet agreed criteria:
A Dynamic Support Register (known as a DSR) is a list of people with learning disabilities and / or autism who need support because they are at risk of going into hospital if they do not get the right care and treatment in the community.
Care (education) and treatment reviews (C(E)TR) are independent meetings about someone’s care and treatment run by a C(E)TR panel which includes people who are not involved in their everyday care to ensure independence, including experts by experience.
More information is available at: Dynamic Support Register and Care (Education) and Treatment Review policy and guidance | Local Government Association
The Keyworking Service will tailor the support it provides based on each child, young person and family’s needs.
They will not replace any health and social care workers currently supporting you. They will work with the services already involved in their care and treatment to identify where additional support is most required, to make sure that their involvement is adding value and not duplicating or disrupting existing support.
The keyworking involvement will be agreed at the DSR MDT review meetings on a case-by-case basis and could include:
Keyworking Service will not:
The keyworking case managers will work closely with local DSR holders and C(E)TR coordinators to agree and review keyworker intervention case-by-case.
The workers will be co-located in local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)/Social Care sites where possible to foster effective partnership working.
Keyworkers will join existing learning disability and autism related MDT meetings and interface with all services involved in the care of a child or young person that is on the register – CAMHS, social care, education, etc. Involvement will be reported case by case at the DSR MDT review meetings.
They can be referred to the DSR list holder to be added to the lists and therefore included in the DSR MDT review meetings.