News and events

News and events

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NELFT NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of community health and mental health services across the north east London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Essex and Kent and Medway.

Read the latest NELFT news, including information on our services, new trust staff, research and development of our services.

Invite to Annual General Meeting on 21 September 2023

NELFT AGM - This year's event will take place virtually. Please save the date, more details will follow.

You are invited to the NELFT Annual General Meeting (AGM) virtual event on Thursday 21 September, 6.30 - 7.30pm.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will provide an exciting opportunity for members to hear from the leaders of our organisation about North East London Foundation Trust's (NELFT) previous year’s activities, successes and challenges, and our plans and priorities for the future.

It will also give a chance to our services to share and showcase their work and achievements. Members will also be able to read a copy of our Annual Report and Accounts 2022/23 and submit questions.
The event will take place virtually and members are invited to register here. The joining instructions will be emailed closer to the time of the meeting.

For more information or to submit your questions ahead of the AGM, please email:

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