NELFT is pleased to announce the appointment of Medical Director for Community Physical Health, Dr Hélène Brown.
Dr Brown, who has thirty-five years of experience in the NHS has been a London GP for almost twenty years, brings a wealth of experience to this role. She has also been working for NHS England London Region as a Medical Director for System Improvement and Professional Standards for just over 10 years, which included being the Responsible Officer for over six thousand GP’s.
The new role of Director for Community Physical Health is a medical leadership role providing senior strategic, visible clinical and professional leadership across the physical community health services.
Dr Brown will be supporting across the Trust with:
Dr Hélène Brown, Medical Director for Community Physical Health at NELFT, said:
“The NHS has my heart. I am fully signed up to the principles that guide the NHS. Like the NELFT vision, I would like community services to deliver the best care by the best people. I believe that community services are an exciting place to work.
“I want people to have their opportunities for healthy living, and for care when required, to be supported as close to their home and community as possible. I also would like us to continue to create and expand upon meaningful educational opportunities and employment with career pathways for local people.”
Innovative work that Dr Brown is hoping to undertake to improve population health, includes supporting children and their families or carers in their first 1000 days of life, supporting people approaching the end of their lives and those requiring palliative care, frailty services, expansion of community collaboratives, and further development of hospital at home or intermediate care.