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NELFT NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of community health and mental health services across the north east London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Essex and Kent and Medway.

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NELFT Board signs the Anti-Racism Pledge at the Global Majority Network Conference

Anti-Racism pledge sign, signed by NELFT board members, NELFT logos on right hand side

NELFT's Anti-Racism strategy launched at the Global Majority Network (GMN) conference last week with Trust board members, along with other key figures, signing the Anti-Racism Pledge.

NELFT Chair Eileen Taylor and CEO Paul Calaminus introduced the Trust's new commitment to working towards making the Trust an anti-racist organisation at all levels.

Central to the Anti-Racism Strategy is the Anti-Racism Pledge, which all members of NELFT are invited to sign. This states:

"I pledge to actively support our Anti-Racism Strategy.

"I shall take all available opportunities to educate myself about racism, and I shall do my best to identify and call out racism in the workplace, as well as examining my own beliefs and attitudes for any unconscious racism."

This was signed on stage, in front of the conference's audience, by, amongst others:

·         Eileen Taylor — Chair

·         Paul Calaminus — Chief Executive Officer

·         Brid Johnson — Acting Executive Director of Integrated Care for London

·         Wellington Makala — Executive Chief Nursing Officer/Executive Director AHP & Psychological Professions

·         Selina Douglas — Executive Director of Partnerships

·         Simon Hart — Executive Director of People and Culture

·         Sue Merchant – Transformation Programme Lead, HR & OD Directorate Management

·         Harjit Bansal – Head of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.

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