On Overseas NHS Workers Day (1 March), we are pleased to announce that we have achieved the NHS Pastoral Care Quality Award for providing best practice pastoral support to internationally educated nurses and midwives.
From the inception of the NHS 75 years ago, patients have benefited from the expertise, commitment and compassion of staff who have come to work in the health service. Overseas workers make up a significant proportion of the total NHS workforce and are dedicated to saving lives and looking after people.
At NELFT we owe a considerable debt to our staff from around the world, who – whether doctors, nurses, allied health professionals or clinical psychologists – play their part in providing the best care in the communities we serve.
The safe arrival, induction, and provision of support for new people joining the NHS workforce is our number one priority for international recruitment. The NHS Pastoral Care Quality Award recognises the work being carried out in our trust to ensure these colleagues receive enhanced and tailored pastoral support.
The standards which trusts must meet to achieve the award have been co-developed with regional and trust international recruitment leads and international nursing and midwifery associations. International nursing and midwifery associations provide pastoral and professional support to international nurses and midwives in the UK.
More information about the award can be found here NHS England » NHS Pastoral Care Quality Award – International nurses and midwives