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NELFT NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of community health and mental health services across the north east London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Essex and Kent and Medway.

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NELFT publishes carers report findings as part of PCREF

PCREF report, holding hands, nelft logos

NELFT is developing a Carers Strategy as part of the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF).

According to the national Census there are thousands of unpaid carers in the UK, including children and adults who look after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support.

The recorded number of young carers across NELFT stands at 10,265 and adults aged 20-90+ at 7,312.

Breakdown of age-groups of carers in the communities NELFT serves

Age 0-19 20-39 40-59 60-79 80-90+ TOTAL 20-90+
Total Number 10265 1771 1150 1676 2715 7312


Breakdown of carers in localities NELFT covers
Barking and Dagenham Redbridge Havering Waltham Forest Essex and Kent
2570 1807 3906 1869 6067


The PCREF is NHS England’s first ever anti-racism framework for all NHS mental health trusts and mental health service providers across England.

The Trust became an early adopter of the PCREF in 2022. Following patient and carer co-production events NELFT officially launched its anti-racism framework in 2023 and is currently in the early stages of developing a carers strategy informed by the same principles as PCREF. 

This latest report is publishing useful data and insights from the staff-carer questionnaire distributed across NELFT during carers week in June 2023 and following 4 patient and carer events between July 2022-July 2023. The learning and feedback from these will help shape the strategy.

The inequalities that Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) patients face in accessing both mental and physical health services, are also burdening BAME carers who are not identified and offered essential support.

A higher number of the white population is identified and recorded as carers compared to those from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, making support harder to access for people from these groups.

Ethnicity and total number of Carers recorded between October 2022 September 2023

Month Black Asian White Mixed Other
October 2022 145 189 864 59 128
November 2022 214 228 1014 66 159
December 2022 162 165 737 60 107
January 2023 195 248 1020 60 142
February 2023 133 186 802 54 125
March 2023 177 198 948 78 191
April 2023 157 193 705 45 150
May 2023 175 181 760 67 191
June 2023 129 176 748 49 192
July 2023 140 180 695 55 183
August 2023 148 178 857 61 303
September 2023 143 156 683 45 180

Table: Breakdown of number of carers recorded and ethnicity across NELFT.

This latest local analysis and engagement feedback paired with national research around unpaid carers, show that identification of carers from BAME backgrounds is an important area that needs to be addressed.

The Trust is committed to giving carers, and particularly those from BAME backgrounds who are underrepresented, recognition for the essential role they play in supporting their loved ones who may have mental health issues, disabilities or other concerns. The strategy is coproduced with carers of all ages, in partnership with staff, local authorities, the voluntary care sector, community groups and various carer organisations.

NELFT Executive Chief Nursing Officer, Wellington Makala, said:

“Many carers may not have considered their own needs for years or even see themselves as carers. We’re hoping that this strategy will play a vital role in changing that. By training staff to identify carers and raising awareness their needs we’re hoping to create a space where people not only get the vital support they need but are involved in decision making at all levels so that they can influence and shape future provision and development.”

To read the full report and find out more about PCREF click here.

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