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NELFT NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of community health and mental health services across the north east London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Essex and Kent and Medway.

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NELFT worker attends King’s Garden Party in recognition of 50 years of service

Photograph of Isabel, NELFT logos

Isabel Robson, NELFT Clinical Facilitator, was invited to the King's Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in recognition of her 50 years of dedicated service to the NHS.

Isabel’s journey began at the age of 16 when she left school and started her career as a physiotherapy assistant. She then completed her nurse training and went on to build a diverse and impactful career. More recently, she has contributed to the Clinical Effectiveness team and is currently part of the Significant 7+ team for the prevention of avoidable A&E attendances and acute admissions for complex and frail patients. 

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Isabel was redeployed for six months to the Infection, Prevention, and Control team, to complete FFP3 mask fits for staff, in order to keep them safe, whilst doing their duties, during those difficult and challenging times.

On 21 May, Isabel attended the King's Garden Party at Buckingham Palace with 8,000 attendees who were all thrilled to be part of such a special occasion. Lee Chester, Associate Director of Nursing & Patient Experience, also attended to celebrate this special day with her.

The highlight of the day for Isabel included seeing Prince William, Zara, and Mike Tindall and experiencing Buckingham Palace’s gardens.

Isabel said:

“I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to Paul Calaminus, Wellington Makala, Sue Smyth, Suzanne Sutton, and Brid Johnson for nominating me to attend this special event.

“Going to a garden party at Buckingham Palace was something I have always wanted to do; it was on my ‘bucket list’ and NELFT made this happen. It is something I will never forget. You made my 50th year in the NHS very special indeed.”

As Isabel looks forward to retirement, she reflects on her career with immense pride and joy:

“Where have the last 50 years gone?! I would do it all again in a heartbeat.”

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