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NELFT NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of community health and mental health services across the north east London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Essex and Kent and Medway.

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NHS launches new programme to help residents to lose weight and stay healthy

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Local residents are set to benefit from the launch of a new 12-week self-referral programme that is free and easy to access and is designed to help them manage their weight and improve their health.

The Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board (MSE ICB) has prioritised tackling obesity as a key factor in looking to improve the long-term health conditions of local people.

65% of adults in mid and south Essex have obesity or excess weight, which is higher than that of both East of England and England.   The 12 week programme is launching initially in Thurrock where rates of adult obesity are the highest in mid and south Essex at 69.4%.

Dr Peter Scolding, Assistant Medical Director at Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System explains,

“We know that some groups and communities are more likely to be facing higher risks of ill health due to obesity, particularly younger adults in our black, Asian and ethnic communities.”

This new programme will offer a range of benefits, such as dietary advice, physical activity guidance and support to help them achieve a healthier lifestyle.

As part of this work we hope to better understand the barriers to accessing existing support so that we can tailor future care and support.”

To access the programme, participants must meet the following criteria:

  • Age 18 or over.
  • A BMI (Body Mass Index) greater than 30. The BMI threshold will be lowered to 27.5 for people from black, Asian, and ethnic minority backgrounds, who are at an increased risk of conditions such as Type 2 diabetes at a lower BMI.

It is easy for residents who meet the criteria to sign up, via this link

For further information, please contact

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