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NELFT NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of community health and mental health services across the north east London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Essex and Kent and Medway.

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On World Mental Health Day, Leyton Orient FC is shining a light on the Coping Through Football project

Image of a football pitch with a football sitting in the foreground

The project seeks to reduce the isolation and discrimination experienced by young people and adults who are experiencing mental ill health, by supporting their recovery and helping them lead more independent lives.

It is run in partnership with the London Playing Fields Foundation, the North East London Foundation Trust and the Leyton Orient Trust, and demonstrates how three organisations can share a vision, processes and resources to produce a joined-up initiative that adds value to their existing work programmes.

Adult and junior sessions run multiple times per week and, after the adult session, one participant explained how the project has saved his life.

He said:

“I joined the project after having a breakdown and being sectioned under the Mental Health Act. Then I went into self-enclosed exclusion, living at home for a year and a half.

“My counsellor made me aware of Coping Through Football and I first came in April last year, so maybe 18 months ago now. I have been a regular attendee since then.

“I’m 62 now and some people my age may remember a song titled ‘A DJ saved my life’ and I can say that one day Coping Through Football saved my life because I have certainly come out of my shell and I have a lot more confidence now.

“I don’t have as many phobias about people and going out anymore. It has been a very positive journey with people who also acknowledge and admit mental health issues and are taking steps to make themselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually stronger.”

Another participant explained how regularly attending the sessions have grown his confidence to the extent that he can now offer advice to his fellow attendees.

He said:

“It [Coping Through Football] helps me to be a happy person and it can help others too. It is a good project for your mindset and ever since coming here it has become a home for me.

“In this world that we live in, it is very hard to find a place to call home. Once you come here, you will feel welcome, confident and happy to meet other people. I have never had that chance in society before.

“A happy mind is going to have a good life and I am a different person every day and I try to help other people now.”

To find out more about Coping Through Football, click here — Coping Through Football website.

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