NELFT Quality Improvement Projects
NELFT strives for continuous improvement and quality improvement projects are one way towards this. Some of these quality improvement projects are summarised via posters and presentations listed via the STEEEP framework for improving quality.
(NELFT staff can also access a database of further registered quality improvement projects via Power BI accessible on the intranet.)
Avoiding harm to patients from care that is intended to help them
- Completing Clinical Observations on an Initial Assessment in Community Nursing
- Reducing Restrictive Practice Monet Ward, Acute Rehabilitation Directorate - Caroline Okworu (Ward Manager)
Reducing waits and sometimes harmful delays
- Improving Access to High Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Re-designing existing treatment pathways of Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) input in Redbridge Respiratory service
- Reduce the length of time young people wait for admission, following referral
- Reducing length of referral-to-therapy time for dysarthria patients in Redbridge
- Reducing the number of days that are breaching the target for review appointment for children with special needs
- Reduction of 0-2 hrs Breaches in the Community Team for Unplanned Care
- Supporting Havering Nursing Homes on meeting their service users needs with a timely response
- To Reduce Podiatry Biomechanics/Paediatrics New Patient Assessment and Treatment Times by 30% by April 2023.
- To reduce the time to follow up for patients presenting to Whipps Cross A/E in crisis who do not meet criteria for secondary mental health services
Providing services based on evidence and which produce a clear benefit
- Improving Oral Healthcare in the community inpatient rehab setting
- Improving Patient Contact & Experience
- Improving Quality of Complaint Responses
- Increasing Parental Satisfaction with the Early Years Social Communication Parent Workshop
- Increasing the number of therapeutic interventions received by patients
- BD 0-19 Universal Children service duty call centre.
- Implement An 8 Session Mindfulness For Pain Group For Amputees With Persistent Pain
- Improving an individual’s ability to live with persistent pain, which can occur as a result of an acquired upper or lower limb amputation - Lindsey Barker (Occupational Therapist)
- Medication Counselling QI Project
- Use of non-pharmacological interventions for delirium in intensive care
Avoiding unnecessary waste
- Improve DNA Rates in Havering Paediatrics
- Improving equipment management within the Environmental Controls (EC) service
- Reducing the no. inappropriate referrals received (Adult Redbridge Nutrition and Dietetic Service)
- To improve data collection rate of Whole School Approach (WSA) Groups
- Improving the reach of the Quality Improvement Services Twitter profile
- Reduce the inappropriate referrals to Community Treatment Team (CTT) from Redbridge Social Services.
- Reducing Documentation in Community Nursing - Angela Witham (Transformational Lead)
Providing care that does not vary in quality because of a person’s characteristics Accessing Treatment
Establishing a partnership between practitioners and patients to ensure care respects patients’ needs and preferences
- Increasing Access to Communication Post-Laryngectomy Within NELFT
- Supporting transition from hospital to home post laryngectomy
- One Voice: Bringing the Hospital Home Post-Laryngectomy - Adult Speech and Language Therapy Team (Rhiannon Haag and Michelle Coleman)