This service is provided to children (mostly between the ages of 4 to 8) presenting with a severely disordered speech profile. Referrals to this caseload can be made internally by Speech and Language Therapist only.
Children on this caseload are offered blocks of sessions with a Speech and Language Therapist or a Speech and Language therapy assistant. Number of sessions is at discretion of the therapist in consultation with the parents/carers but this will tend to be between 5 and 10 based on individual need. Future support is agreed at the end of the block.
This service is provided to young children with Bilateral hearing loss - usually fitted with Hearing Aids or a Cochlear Implant. Referrals are usually made by the local Audiology team or the Teacher of the Deaf via the Newborn screening programme.
Regular support by the speech and language therapist is provided based on individual needs. This can include direct individual or group sessions; review sessions and classroom based support. As far as possible support is provided in the setting that is most relevant to the child’s needs.
This service is provided to children with feeding and/or swallowing difficulties. All referred children receive an assessment by a Dysphagia Specialist Speech and Language Therapist. Blocks of sessions, advice, review sessions and monitoring is provided based on individual needs.
This service is provided to children and young people with dysfluent speech (Stammering will usually have to be the primary area of concern). Referrals to this caseload can be made internally by Speech and Language Therapist only.
Regular support by the speech and language therapist is provided based on individual needs. This can include direct individual or group sessions; advice and review sessions.
This service is provided to young children with severe social communication difficulties who do not seek interaction with others across a range of activities and environments. Referrals to this caseload can be made internally by Speech and Language Therapist only.
Regular support by the speech and language therapist is provided based on individual needs. This can include direct individual or group sessions; review sessions and classroom/nursery based support.